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    NASA should sue them for using NASA’s name to sell things that have nothing to do with NASA or how it makes its suits. They’re trying to use NASA’s reputation to sell their shit, they should get a kick for it.

    Just watch. Any woman she gives power too will be declared her puppet and bashed and forced to cede to a dude and if the new woman doesn’t cede, then anything bad that happens ever is her fault.

    She’s just their new Hillary. Blame her for everyhting you don’t like about the party and demand she go while also getting pissed off about her not “helping” enough despite your hate of her...but if she does help she did it wrong and fuck her.

    Nope. He’s DNC. Thats DCCC, if I’m not mistaken.

    Sounds good. Also have a good security guard or two on staff in case somebody flips their shit and tries to hurt the staff.

    Well I mean my instant thought as a Floridian was that Latinx was lower there because there are a lot of Cuban officers so probably.

    Yep. One of the things we’re doing after I move back in with my folks is getting it looked at if I have this. When I’m not on BC (which I haven’t been for a few years) my periods usually have one day when I cannot get out of bed for at least half of it and bleed through a tampon ever two hours for over half the first

    I’ll hunt it down but there was a GREAT article from a guy from rural American who pointed out that what the media doesn’t get is how clannish and counterproductive rural America really is. ANYTHING see as “outsider” is shunned even if that “outsider” thing would help and the local plan is actively hurting them.

    The GOP have bene running against Pelosi and Clinton since 06. It’s worked too. in 2014 in my hometown, the GOP rep lied that his opponent was a huge Pelosi fan and “worked with her on Obamacare” to try and sink her. Thankfully the opponent had the funds to just put out commercials noting this would be her first time

    Oh, sillyhead! Don’t you know Hillary’s one ad only policy proposal as that she was not-Trump? Literally nothing else. All her other detailed plans and explanations did not exist even though she was derrided as a policy wonk. She SOLEY ran on not being Trump. Yep. Yeppers. No other plans at all.

    I still remember how Jill was whining about wanting to be taken seriously, so John Oliver did and pointed out the issues with her proposals, and her fanbase all went after him. For doing what she asked.

    Yep. My dad’s a Navy engineer and he and one of his higher ups pretty much stopped the Navy for being sued by an utheical contractor for hundreds of millions because the higher up’s husband and my mom both told their spouses a year before things went to shit (but things were clearly already starting to go bad) to get

    There’s these two yorkies in tie dye t-shirts on our walking route and the owners always have to do this to one of them when it spies my dog. Loses its shit entirely so the old man just sighs and scoops it up. The other one also doesn’t like my dog but just barks a little, not full on berserk rage.

    Yeah, it drives me nuts. Like anytime my dog wants to say hi I tug him back and ask the person. They say fine we cautiously let the dogs meet. They say no, then my dog gets restrained so he can’t reach them and we keep moving. Sometimes I have to just hold him still and have them pass instead since he seems to think

    Kelly is proving she only succeeded on Fox News by exploiting a VERY specific niche: pretty conservative lady who occasionally says something true and mildly liberal (usually when it’s something that affects her) and thus us praised for actually telling the truth on Fox News.

    Yep. My friend’s mom was just kept two extra days for rest since she was a tiny woman, it was a big baby, and her body needed to recover from the C-section a little longer than most.

    Yep. The store I used to work at blocked Kotaku, for instance.

    Like I use it when I’m on my break at work but that’s about it for stores.

    October is hands down the best, imo. Sure you get a bit of a crowd for the Halloween shows (very good shows, admittedly, seem the newer ones on Youtube) but generally by then it’s cooling down, no summer crush, most people are holding off coming for Christmas or at least Thanksgiving, so it’s pretty good. I always

    Yeesh. Yeah, it’s A) the kind of thing you heavily plan in advance in order to get the best deals and B) for the love of god go in the off season! For one thing the summer heat will not be fun, as a native Floridian. Also less crowded and often somewhat lower prices. Fall is SO much nicer than summer if you can swing