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    Yep. Kelly was ONLY as popular as she was becuase of her exact context--a Fox News host who occasionally said something factual enough to giver her a shred of credibility outside the network (when it was on a topic that she was willing to go against party line on). That DOES NOT WORK on another network. It was wholly

    Yep. While I do clean out my word docs every couple years or so, I also have a file folder of “will never be finished” stuff that I’m never working on again that is still worth keeping because of the good bits of it being uncommonly good for my writing.

    I still remember the last two days of my Theory of Knowledge class in high school were aimed at pseudoscience. Hoo boy did we have a lot of true believers in some things.

    All I know is so many magaines went on and on about her legs and I never understood it.

    Idk, I think there are still midrange movies. Like Central Intelligence, that was great. But a mid-range movie today costs a lot more than one used to (CI had a 50 mil budget). Plus you hear less about the midrange films unless they’re a surprise hit. That doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

    I think a lot of is was because Cosby was easy to class as “one of the good ones.” I remember the one show of his I went to with my parents. A huge chunk of the material was “kids today” complaining-jokes and a lot of them were aimed at black-coded things like saggy pants and such. My folks outright apologized for

    Red Pillers seem to think he’s being sacrificed at the altar of feminism or something. We Hunted the Mammoth showed this utterly baffling and terrible post by a woman defending him. Was just nuts.

    My guess is he thinks one of the jurors is getting fed up and wants to punch another one.

    I think you made the joke better than me. As in you made a joke where I just asked why. Good job.

    Why does she have World of Warcraft shoulders?

    I think the comment about the “star system” is interesting and maybe could be someting looked into more later on. I think while a lot of stars have their own fanbases, the idea that some A-lister is in a movie can’t save it in the eyes of modern reviewing when it’s likely to be shredded on everything else even if that

    Or worse you’ll have a parent ignore the alert like “it hasn’t been THAT long!” and police don’t get there in time and the kid still dies. Then the parent tries to sue and fails but too late, the thing can’t save a baby from complete and utter idiocy so some people deem it not good enough.

    Yep. The amount of control a lot of tourneys force onto the match makes the games totally different. You can have less a grasp of the character mechanics but be more adept with items and taking advantage of unique stage hazards and still win in normal smash.

    Welcome. He’s been cuddled next to me as I’ve been reading all these.

    Double standards. Bernie’s being smart by speaking out early so no one can claim he was silent.

    I think it’s going to be a lot easier when it’s something the tribes hold copyright over a specific pattern or when a designer misrepresents where the clothes are from (or claims they got tribal approval when they didn’t) than more of a blanket thing. Aso you’d obviously need some pretty good receipts and even then at

    Here. Have a fun pic of my dog from last week when his foot was still healing. He decided he simply HAD to sun himself anyway. Hope it helps.

    No no, obviously as SF has some gun laws, gun laws dont stop this kind of thing!

    Most I’ve been seeing “guess those gun laws in SF don’t help” style posts.

    I don’t think it;s being an ass just to think it. If you were complaining about it then it would be assholish.