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    I follow a British Bengali Muslim woman on tumblr (initially because we shared fandoms) and she has been going hard for this ever since the snap election was announced. Posts on strategic voting, posts on getting the youth vote out, and finally, in the early morning for me this morning, gleeful vindication at there

    A big part of this was youth vote turnout. At least in the social media circles I’m in there has been a serious effort to vote and vote smart by the young, making sure everyone concentrated their votes on the person most likely to beat a Tory in any district. Tons of people discussing rallies and plans and initiatives

    You win.

    I like the chair. That is just such a good design for a fusion of tech and tradition in throne form.

    Darn. My WW is having issues too, which is sad since my other ones tend to stand up pretty well. But her? They made the feet too small.

    That was my reaction too. Maybe this was the real meaning all along. “Get rid of people we don’t like” aka the classic racist dog-whistle.

    I remember my mom telling me how she was 3.2 lbs because she was two months early and couldn’t go home for several weeks as an example of how preemies need extra care. I mean, her mom was a nurse who stuck to health standards so she was like “keep my baby as long as nessessary” so that worked out at least.

    I did like this one cheap Harley Quinn perfume I got a few years ago. Otherwise most “character” themed scents have tended to suck.

    This got me too. It was SO weird.

    I saw the perfume in-store. Was very disspointed that it’s just a plain bottle with a sticker on the front. A sometimes badly placed sticker, in the display I was looking at, as some were pretty crooked.

    This can backfire. Not with his base, certainly, but moderates don’t like this kind of shit. I still remember 04 where my dad was waffling between Bush and Kerry until there was this one anti-Kerry attack ad with wolves in it that pissed him off so much he decided it to vote Kerry out of sheer spite.

    And the comment sections on some of the pages! I love people trying to insist it’s Ancient Chinese Medicine and actual Chinese people are like “huh?” Gah, it’s like they think nonwestern parts of the world are fantasyland...

    So far the sprays are doing the job well, but thanks for the suggestion!

    At least one actual doctor has gone off on here for it.

    The “Earthing” thing just reminds me of when I was in high school and read an article about how there’s more cases of people getting ringworm in their feet in the South since the nicer weather mean people walk outside barefoot for more of the year.

    I’ve liked their sprays for a long while. I’m a bit wary of sticks, they tend to not sink in well for me. Have the improved in recent years? I remember those frog ones I used as a kid sucked.

    I was laughing my ass off at some article recently that was like “we tested eighty sunscreens and only two made the cut!” and my reaction was “then how bad did you fuck up the test? how ridiculous were the standards to make the cut?”

    Yeah. I’m very senstitive to touch and don’t like others’ hands on me. While I’ve pretty much taught myself to reach everywhere to compensate, there’s still always the worry of having missed some small back patch. Sprays just make that so much easier, even if I still jump a bit when they hit me.

    Same place Nader wnet my friend. As a Floridian I was ringing eveyr damn alarm bell I could since I still remember being a kid and seeing a Nader ad shortly before the election. Said pretty much the same shit Jill was saying this year. I remember it very well. This has been going on for freaking ever.

    Or voting for Stein!