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    I think a lot of it was disappointment in the 2014 midterms coupled with the rise of Bernie Fever. They went HARD in against Hillary while casually supporting Trump in the primaries (they bought into his populist thing for some reason) and were pretty limp in the general election. Like they didn’t get how Hillary did

    Lucky. It still irritated me when I worked in a snack shack with a girl who insisted that unlike normal cigs it was cool for her to vape around the food before we opened. I flatout told her to stand by the cracked door because it was stil irritaing me and my asthma. She ignored me and then I grabbed the phone to call

    Yep. As someone who watched them for a lot of college, they are very, very bad when they forget to call themselves out on being in a liberal bubble, something that seemed to really fall by the wayside circa 2013 or so (not to say they were perfect before then; still a lot of issues). They make the common error of

    Besides, Rick Scott doesn’t have a heart.

    I’ve had coworkers at Michael’s tell me Wal-Mart’s not great but they felt Target treated them far worse.

    While I’m leavin (going to DC to look for museum jobs) I hav loved Brown ever since he smacked down the gov of my home state, that Voldemort wannabe Rick Scott.

    What’s worse is they’re STILL not! There’s tons of “progressives” claiming the Dems still have no strategy other than saying they’re not Republicans. Like wtf. Dems want a higher minimum wage (I’ve seen some recent articles claiming there is now unity behind $15 and eliminating the sub-minimum wage for tipped

    While I love Slyhterin, you point is undone in three words:

    I still want to punch people who even today are complaining the Dems have no platform beyond “we’re not Republicans.”

    Also the kind of people who boycotted Star Wars because Finn was black and the main villain was a white guy. And Rey’s staff was supposed to be a “cuck stick” (apparently made to make white women want black dick or something...). And BB-8 was a “cuckball” which I wanted to set someone on fire for calling our precious

    Seriously. I’m going to have a hard enough time because just like Capain America’s first movie my superhero brain and historical fiction brain are going to be fighting about how to watch it. I don’t need inane fanwank nitpicking. Minor nerdy nitpiking is okay if you admit it’s minor nerdy nitpicking, but no fanwank

    He also gets good press so double win for him.

    As someone who writes and is white, I think a lot of other writers still somehow have missed the difference between “including nonwhite characters in your story” and “trying to tell the real-world experiences of nonwhite people that they only have for being nonwhite.” Very different things.

    I think a lot of them are also ignoring artist’s intent as it relates to this piece. The artist seemed to want the work to mean something and when told by a group whose history the piece involves that they felt is really messed up the message it seemed he stepped back and went “yeah, bad/mixed message” or something

    The main thing I remember from the teasers like a year ago was how happy and comfortable Snow White looked once she could chill out in her undies (which yeah, showing the heroine in her undies but also showing her kicking back after having to put in a huge amount of presentation). Like it’s the feeling you get when

    Yeah. I feel Steven Universe has been very good for that, for example. The gems come in all shapes and sizes—Rose was very tall and heavyset, Garnet is tall with big hips, Pearl is average height and very slim, Amethyst is short and heavyset and all four of them have had people in-universe find them attractive (not

    I agree on that. I do feel younger millenials and older Gen Z (may they get a better name soon) can be a real force to be reckoned with when they marshal their energy properly.

    My mom teaches special needs kids. Part of the training is how to hold them if they’ve become violent due to becoming mentally overhwelmed (like an autisitc kid having a fit). There is special training on how to do it so the kid is restrained (and cannot hurt the other kids and hopefully not the holder) but is not

    Seriously. My mom works with special needs kids, some of whom are severely autistic or have other mental illnesses that can lead to fits. Somehow a lady who’s nearly sixty and her two paras in their sixties can be expected to execute a hold that restrains-but-does-not-harm* these kids (some of whom are nearly five

    Both good. Would also like to see his stances on the minimum wage, unions, and economic programs but I’m sure they’ll be forthcoming soon enough.