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    What’s worse is they’re STILL not! There’s tons of “progressives” claiming the Dems still have no strategy other than saying they’re not Republicans. Like wtf. Dems want a higher minimum wage (I’ve seen some recent articles claiming there is now unity behind $15 and eliminating the sub-minimum wage for tipped

    While I love Slyhterin, you point is undone in three words:

    I still want to punch people who even today are complaining the Dems have no platform beyond “we’re not Republicans.”

    Also the kind of people who boycotted Star Wars because Finn was black and the main villain was a white guy. And Rey’s staff was supposed to be a “cuck stick” (apparently made to make white women want black dick or something...). And BB-8 was a “cuckball” which I wanted to set someone on fire for calling our precious

    Seriously. I’m going to have a hard enough time because just like Capain America’s first movie my superhero brain and historical fiction brain are going to be fighting about how to watch it. I don’t need inane fanwank nitpicking. Minor nerdy nitpiking is okay if you admit it’s minor nerdy nitpicking, but no fanwank

    He also gets good press so double win for him.

    As someone who writes and is white, I think a lot of other writers still somehow have missed the difference between “including nonwhite characters in your story” and “trying to tell the real-world experiences of nonwhite people that they only have for being nonwhite.” Very different things.

    I think a lot of them are also ignoring artist’s intent as it relates to this piece. The artist seemed to want the work to mean something and when told by a group whose history the piece involves that they felt is really messed up the message it seemed he stepped back and went “yeah, bad/mixed message” or something

    I agree on that. I do feel younger millenials and older Gen Z (may they get a better name soon) can be a real force to be reckoned with when they marshal their energy properly.

    My mom teaches special needs kids. Part of the training is how to hold them if they’ve become violent due to becoming mentally overhwelmed (like an autisitc kid having a fit). There is special training on how to do it so the kid is restrained (and cannot hurt the other kids and hopefully not the holder) but is not

    Seriously. My mom works with special needs kids, some of whom are severely autistic or have other mental illnesses that can lead to fits. Somehow a lady who’s nearly sixty and her two paras in their sixties can be expected to execute a hold that restrains-but-does-not-harm* these kids (some of whom are nearly five

    Both good. Would also like to see his stances on the minimum wage, unions, and economic programs but I’m sure they’ll be forthcoming soon enough.

    I mean it gets confusing since legitimate orgs, even orgs with many Jews in them, also use it (usually trying to divide the good Jews from the bad Jews which is cringey to me, as a Jew) which only adds to the confusion.

    That’s something I do wish a lot more liberals would take notice of. I know some groups that genuinely aren’t antisemitic use Zionist to try and mean “people who support the Israeli government’s actions” (because yes some expansionist groups do refer to themselves as Zionists) but they have this bad habit of ignoring

    Hell they will outriht co opt actual groups made to help men with things like being raped or domestically abused to try and steal their money. They do not give a shit about other men. They just give more of a shit that the women they want to bang won’t have sex with them.

    Rumor has it the generation after millenials is hugely conservative. Which I don’t know if you can really quantify that yet as they’re all under 17 but it has been claimed in numerous articles.

    Does he have a platform yet or we still in the persona-building stage since he’s newer to voters? I mean I can guess most of his social positions but I’d like to see the other plans too since I may or may not be a MD resident by the time it’s time to vote.

    Yep. Hell her VP was vocally pro-Assad since he is of the line of thought that even stopping a dictator from massacring their own people is being too interventionist and imperialist. Like, I agree the US should not go starting wars everywhere but there is such a thing as also being too uninvolved on the world stage

    I thought the scores were really interesting. Of curse Clinton did well, she’s very good at working on answers when she has time and this would give her time to perfect them, but I was surpised at the rare times someone beat her score. Johnson on Nuclear Power and Stein on Public Lands.

    Seriously? They have signs everywhere along the line too, telling you that stuff. Liquids in bag, laptops out, shoes and coats off, proceed.