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    The word you’re looking for is bots, probably.

    Japan...I think.

    My dog would be better. Even with his habit of stealing any socks and underwear in hampers he can manage to get to. And tendency to eat documents. He’s still sweet, charming, and due to a recent foot injury understand the importance of good medical care and thus insurance.

    CALLED IT. Jeez, at least they were sort of expecting this. I remember an article from months ago about how Bibi was getting iffy on sharing info because he thought Russia would get it But still, crapbaskets. Israel’s already paranoid as hell and this will not help.

    I think the only review I ever saw of this show noted it was for people who see Archie Bunker as someone to be emulated.

    I don’t think he could have done Ego’s charming-to-creepy shift half as well. Allen’s charm always feels a bit smarmy. It’s why he’s good in Galaxy Quest. Ego had to feel genuine-if-a-bit-unnerving at first but not smarmy.

    One would assume by making fun of liberal ideas and stereotypes. There was a show people were talking about like a year ago that was “outdoorsman goes to work for outdoors magazine only to find it all staffed by sissy liberal millennials using ipads who don’t know how to be rugged and are out of touch with being

    And if the tragedy is his death holy shit are things fucked for minorities. You KNOW a ton of his followers will rampage, the GOP will use it to shore themselves up while demonizing the left, and and so on.

    That’s the thing that drives me nuts about the Greens as I’ve seen them. The beg to be taken seriously and then when you go “okay” and treat their candidate like a serious candidate and take what she says and does seriously they get all upset.

    Of course he did. Of freaking course he did. Let us not forget that Israel was already wary of sharing info with him for fear of Russia getting it, and I’m sure other nations were in similar boats.

    I just sometimes wish every school in the nation was run by my middle school princpal. She really managed a pretty good crackdown on bullying—while nothing wipes it out entirely, she made sure teachers made it clear to kids who were being bullied that they had support and that they took bullying very seriously. This

    A tumblr pal of mine posted an amazing gifset over a year ago where there was an American woman talking to an Indian woman about feminism on a news show and the Indian woman mocked her for acting like India’s never heard of womens’ rights when they’ve had more women in government and have actually had a woman lead the

    Reminds me of a joke the guy who plays Peralta on Brooklyn 9-9 said once.

    I love Uniqlo. Great basics. And I am very basic style-wise. Only thing I hate is all the tops I have from them are hang dry.

    So much of it is utter CRAP. So many see through shirts and weird netting and too many shoes with high heels with no flats...bleh.

    And now they’ve subpoena’d Flynn. Shit is going down.

    Grew up in north FL. Hated everything but school and the local zoo. Was much happier in Tampa for college and CA for grad school. Will hopefully be in DC for a job.

    Yeah, they’ve been getting shared around on tumblr. A lot of people love their stuff (especially their POCKETS in clothes). Been thinking about getting some of their jeans.

    I know! It was so on point it was insane!

    Not only which Chris, they threw in that Ryan Reynolds looks like them too! Great song!