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    I’m glad they dropped the BMI thing and switched to just confirming health with a doctor. There are some people who really are just tall and skinny build-wise, while for others they’d have to do something unhealthy to be that thin. BMI is so bad. By BMI I am nearly obese (or am, depending on some people’s

    It seems to be cities whose police forces don’t go out of their way to hunt down undocumented people, as that is ICE’s job anyway. They will run a check of status under certain circumstances (outstanding warrants, for example) but don’t check the immigration status of everyone they deal with and don’t stop people on

    The animals being rarer has only driven prices higher. They don’t care about sustainability. The buyers will just find some other rare thing to buy and the poachers will move onto the next best thing.

    Someone mentioned a theory to me in a comment (I think on Kinja) that I think explains some of this. It’s called Heretics vs. Barbarians.

    I thought it meant economic diversification.

    Rumor is they got some by promising it would die in the Senate...so yeah this culd get very weird very soon...

    They’ve been pouring money into Montana. I heard it’s up to 400k. Also my aunt confirms a lot of calls for Orsoff...actually too many, they got six calls in one afternoon and disconnected their phone for a week after calling the campaign to tell them that comes across as disorganized, here’s a hundred, pay someone to

    I’m still waiting for the day one of them accidentally shoots themselves while making an ad...

    That’s where grandma lives. Plus I may end up there too, just depends on what job I get. Hell if I get one right after graduation (unlikely but hey, there’s some hope) I won’t even end up in VA for more than a stopover to get the furniture and my stuff I didn’t take to grad school.

    It’s looking like part of that wave is going to be “give us our damn healthcare back!!”

    I just said stop eating each other. Bernie has his own contributions to make, tho he does need to stay in his lane and focus on what he’s best at, namely rallying grassoots on economic issues like the minimum wage. Hillary needs to rally the feminists and people who care about reproductive right and LGBT+ issues and

    Control. Doing something without a partner’s knowledge and getting away with it gives them a feeling of control. If they’re trying to get their partner pregnant then it’s a double whammy of control and reporductive coercion.

    Yep. I don’t think that’s sexual assault but it sure as hell is abusive behavior.

    ...Is that a standalone or a specific reference?

    We have to get to work. We have to stop eating each other—not stop criticizing when appropriate, but going for the jugular when a simple “bad idea, do better” would work is uneeded on all sides of the liberal coin—and focus on the GOP. I know that seems harder but we need to do it. HAMMER THEM.

    Alsmot makes me sad I’m leaving...but the museum field in the state is kinda oversaturated and it’ll save money to live with my folks in the other big museum market of DC so I shall hold back my tears. I shall vote for liberals in Virginia! May we too one day achieve single payer!

    Couldn’t have said it better!


    A lot of people don’t like her but she is the goddamn queen of making the party hold together to get things done. Why do you think the GOP hate her so much? She can fight.

    Nancy Pelosi has confirmed they are going to slam them on this. I like her quote. “You will glow in the dark.” There’s going to be nowhere to hide.