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    I cannot belive you left out the time Lando conned a group of Rebels by ticking on into betting their droid in a card game and utterly came out on top. That was hilarious.

    I think I saw they carved out an exemtion to keep Obamacare for themselves. Because of course.

    What are you talking about ? RIP the GOP a new one!


    I still remember when we went to see Iron Man and my dad declared he was stunned he didn’t hate her performance. He said the movie was amazing for its ability to make her likable in a role alone. It was pretty funny.

    It is so freaking creepy. And there are even assholes defending it when actual Chinese and Chinese American people start calling them out. Apparently real Chinese people don’t know about this woo or want to hush it up since the Chinese government was mad at the the people who practice it “revealed it to the west!” and

    I did get upset at him for that. That’s what I meant when i said when he does something specific for me to get mad at I will. I felt he was being very tone deaf in how he handled it—true, it was either an anti abortion Dem or an anti abortion Repug which does still make Mello the lesser of two evils, but I was very

    Yep. I think her main flaw-and thse of many of us on the left—was asusming people were smart enough to know a conman and smart enough to bother looking up that yes, she had positions on almost everything even if the media was more obsessed with Trump.

    Always another good one

    Urg, yes. I was on HuffPo and while the trend leaned supportive there were still so many people yellng at her to shut up and go away. Like, wtf. After the election they were all “where’s she, why isn’t she fixing it!” and now that she is back they want her to shut up again.

    Galactus vs. Ganon sounds like a good time.

    Three moments:

    Personally I’ve never gotten loving an actor for anything other than their acting ability. Like, I get loving a character they played but not them themselves unless they do something irl to deserve it.

    I don’t each much outside of what’s been stated. Apple juice, applesauce, and bannanas. My taste buds are very messed up and other fruits make me gag, sadly. On the upside I also hate a lot of unhealthy foods too.

    A parachute won’t always save you if you fall out of a plane. So we should stop issueing them to the troops. Would save money, right? They’re not effective enough after all.

    Yep. Still going to drink my apple juice though, need the vitamin C. I mean it’s that, milk, and water so idk for least healthy thing I regularly drink it’s not that bad.

    If the movie was about Jane than absolutely but this isn’t really trope that works for main characters.

    Some still are. Hell some other women think straight women don’t really think of men sexually. It’s weird.

    George of the Jungle. A sexy guy who’s an honestly nice person and treats his love interest as a total equal? Yes please.

    George of the Jungle did a pretty good job, I think. He’s a hot guy who’s still very naive, but he’s much better to Ursula than her douchey boyfriend. He’d kind, empathetic, and secure in himself. All very attractive qualities. When he’s in Ursula’s “jungle” of the city, he lets her lead, but there is a shit ton of