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    Agreed. While I do think the minimum wage needs to go up since wages have stagnated, some areas would be fine at just a bump to $10-12 an hour or so. On the other hand, large cities and other wealthy areas clearly need higher minimum wages and should be allowed to do so. I’m in a Bay Area suburb and a studio apartment

    But it also undermines Maddow’s credibility a bit because of how sensationalized this was. She’s been getting a LOT of praise lately for sticking to covering what the administration does, not what it tweets or going after whatever silly thing was said. And given she just raised allegations about how the Trump team

    Yes. Also metallic purple.

    I’m hesitant to call this a win. Now Trump has ammo that the media is out to get him given the return is fairly innocuous. No one will care about the “should have released it himself” angle and it’ll all play as Maddow trying to make a mountain from a molehill. And just when she’s been doing record well with viewers

    That’s fine. I work at a craft store, we’ll use my discount. We got glitter and paint for fucking days. We even have pink glitter paint. Let’s bedazzle those guns.

    Yeah. There’s a white guy I work with—actually a nice guy, unlike JT—who has long curly hair. He used to have a full beard but shaved it because cops and sometimes other people kept following him. He was pretty sure he was being profiled as Muslim. He said it’s creepy how cops just follow people.

    They got some pretty heavy discrimination, from what my history studies have taught me. Not to the level of black people but pretty close in some cases.

    As someone who doesn’t drunk it is perfectly embarrassing now.

    I admit utter bafflment at the amount of thought so many people seem to put as to what is in another’s underwear. We live in a world with so many amazing and horrifying things to distract them and they care about the exact state of another’s genitalia? Wtf.

    Yeah. The Root doesn’t seem to have that many commenters (I often see articles with less than 20 comments which never happens on the other main blogs) so whenever one blows up like this you know you’re in for a lot of trolls.

    I’ve listened to some trans women speak on this topic. A lot of them said if they don’t present as totally feminine a lot of people won’t treat their being trans as legitimate. Some of them who aren’t as feminine feel if they don’t perform femininity to a certain degree, their transition is endangered because there

    Can we get McMullin to move there?

    As a Floridian, aka a state that fought for the South, I’d like to give him the Confederate flag that matters.

    Yep. Hell one gas station in my hometown used to sell out because it didn’t do that and price about 15 cents under everyone else who were always within a nickel of each other.

    Ryan’s already panicked and trying to shove it through by declaring this is the best chance they’ll ever have to get rid of Obamacare. He KNOWS if they fuck it up they’re screwed.

    A chunk of GOP refuse to repeal without replacing for fear of losing their seats.

    The main portrayal I knew of outside The Apprentice was from my dad’s old Bloom County collections. In which Donnie’s brain was put in Bill the Cat’s body after an accident.

    I remember at the zoo in my hometown spring was the time to catch all the ducklings and mamas and move them to the aviary. Cause if they stayed on the lake the giant catfish would eat them. So you’d see zookeepers hearding the ducklings and mama or even taking a canoe out on the lake because some little fluffball

    There was a great book I read as a kid that treated ancient civs like tourist destinations. Had tons of stuff on culture, geography, economy, housing, and travel hazards. I remember ancient Greece was pretty much the worst of the lot if you were a woman since it was a time of Athenian dominance and in Athens it was a

    Marijuana seems to also be an issue getting some to wake the fuck up.