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    Or anything he did that upset these people. TrumPet tears are lovely.

    Or anything he did that upset these people. TrumPet tears are lovely.

    Reminds me of when I went to England for my first semester of collage. I was in a suite with 4 English students and 1 other American we about never saw. Well one night I’m cooking dinner at the same time as the two male roommates and we’re chatting about my homework on Paradise Lost and in comes our usually-unseen

    I’ve been making some jewellery lately and have mostly been buying piece by piece, as sales allow. I only get more when I’m making more. I’ve since made six bracelets and three necklaces over three weeks and four shopping trips, only buying beads when I’m out.

    I have my own version of the $100 rule. I wait for it to go on sale. A really good sale too, not like 20% off or something. Either it’s been a while and it’s on a good sale and I can feel secure because I still want it and got a deal, and if I miss it oh well I got on this long without it and maybe it wasn’t so great.

    I saw a report once about a whistleblower cop and all the shit he took for it. It was very depressing.

    Well as to the first question, a lot of homophobic group seem to insist that no man was ever boinking another man in the history of their people until The Bad People came and they somehow seduced some of Our Men into boinking Their Men and then Our Culture Was Thus Ruined By The Homos. Or something along those lines.

    True. I’ve had multiple existential crises int he last few years becuase, yeah, the thought that death is random and can happen any time is fucking scary. The idea that all these tragedies we see are all premeditated by some higher power is the way some people keep themselves sane by telling themselves that same

    I honestly think part of the love on conpspiracy theories is deep down everyone wants to be in the know so the idea of “I know something all these sheeple have overlooked and it seems so easy to put together!” is irresistible.

    I tend to see charisma like an RPG stat. You can give yourself skills to compensate for having a lower stat, but if you have a naturally high stat to start with you can somehow fly into a frothing rant and people will consider you a wordsmith for the ages, an unparalleled misunderstood genius because the bonus from

    Yeah in my hometown people acted surprised whenever it came out my dad was the one who did the cooking and the gardening (mom can’t cook and he found both cooking and gardening relaxing so who would tell him no?). It was like “yes, I work a full time job, cook, do outdoor house upkeep on the weekends, and still do

    My high school therapist figured out an answer for a lot of women she saw: most of them were constantly trying to force themselves into another timeframe, either due to work or school or trying to fit another person’s schedule. While there was a little weirdness in how she phrased it (she named each persons preferred

    My parents keep telling me to take them and I’m like...why? I SOMETIMES need iron on my period (yes this was check w/ a doctor) but I have actual iron pills for that. Sure I don’t have the most blanced diet but despite my picky and broken taste buds I still eat better than a lot of my generation due to hating even

    Reminds my of the 4th of July last year. They blocked off most of our parking lot for the parade...after we were already parked, since we’re stockers who start work at 5am. None of us were even informed. Our manager demanded to know what we were supposed to do so as to not get blocked in (normally one of the three

    You hit the nail on the head for the unoriginal part. The story they hinted at in the trailer I saw—Danny was missing came back, wants to get back his company—felt like a weird Bruce Wayne Tony Stark hybrid. And given they’re the two with the longest franchises, it feels very DONE. So it makes the other, possibly more

    Yeah. I remember a classmate of mine in third grade had a breakdown in the hall when he about fell asleep standing up and the teacher asked why he’d been nodding off lately. Turned out his dad’s idea of bonding was keeping his kid up with him until 2am watching wrestling and so the kid was getting less than four hours

    It reminds me of a guy I knew for most of my childhood. His dad was rarely around, even when he was home. One of those “spend time with my kids only when I want to and on my terms” types. By the time we were in college his folks divorced and it came out that he hated his dad for acting more like an adult roommate than

    Everyone but Cream the bunny is pretty badass and she’s like a kindergardener so she’s off the hook. Blaze the cat is a magical time traveling princess, Amy Rose the hedgehog is one hell of a bruiser (if boy obsessed in regards to Sonic, but she pretty much gained superpowers from all her chasing him so...yay?) the

    Thanks for the report. Was thinking I wasn’t going to see a single serious post.

    Seriously, tons of places I follow all over the web que their articles for later in order to space them out.