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    Thing is, that revision started right after the Civil War ended and it made actual Confederate soldiers upset because they felt it was a betrayal to what really went down to pretend what they’d fought for was something else. Like for all the people flying that flag like to pretend it’s honoring the dead Confederates,

    Reminds me of a speech the Kingpin gave the Spider-Man about why people hate him.

    Yeah. I do not think the government should ban you from any social media site. On the other hand I think any social media site can ban you for any reason it likes, as a private entity, bar the government forcing them to do it. Those are different things.

    Exactly. A lot of the Perez stuff was, say, intentionally getting his name wrong (Gonzalez and Rodriguez were the most popular) and essentially calling him a token Latino/House Latino who was a stooge for his Clinton Masters and yadda yadda.

    It is VERY rare for any previous president to criticize another since they know the stress of the job and have a lot of clout when they say things. My dad was use Obama wouldn’t go against Trump at all. This is fairly unusual, what W is doing.

    I’m more referring to comment sections on social media than any organized effort (at least that I know of). As I said, Ellison got it worse but Perez still got hit by a bunch of assholes.

    Off the top of my head I saw racist stuff in comments for the Guardian, Mother Jones, and HuffPo, tho HuffPo was good about deleting them and racist stuff about Ellison.

    Or one hell of a funny war film. We lock them all in a giant sports stadium and see what happens.

    Give Bush some credit, he knows how conservatives think better than many of us and probably knows the best way to make a fellow conservative (albeit one far to his right and with far less charm) seem weak. And Bush knows the GOP hate perceived weakness.

    Or maybe he’s learned in the years since he was president how his off the cuff screw-ups made him sound and just made an effort to memorize a good speech? Dude’s had almost a decade to improve his public speaking.

    I’ve always been rare or medium rare. My mom likes medium and my dad changes his mind based on the cut of steak but usually is between medium rare and medium well.

    Pretty much. Ellison and Perez both want the 50 State plan back which is good.

    It’s also great for pageclicks. I feel like the media wants this to be a “rises from the ashes” storyline and keeps playing up the hopelessness not realizing it’s giving people fatigue and dropping out of resisting to where we might not be rising from any ashes any time soon.

    Also while I do think Ellison got it a bit worse given the racism against him was mixed with Islamophobia, I saw a ton of so-called leftists being perfectly racist towards Perez as well. Got to love liberals who decide racism is okay if you’re “establishment”.

    I can top that. Today at work I went to open a casepack of sticker that had been in a storage bin for two weeks and there was a live spider inside the plastic casepack. I have a mild phobia of spiders and walked over to the store manager for advice (with the spider and stickers still in the plastic to show him). He

    Depending on her sun tolerance the tan may be free. As someone normally fairly pale who tans very dark should I care to (I do not, suncreen ftw, but there’s some pics from when I was a kid that show me around close to that tone of skin right after getting a ton of sun) it does happen. And I don’t know her natural

    They’e only saying Hillary is going to run again because they have n clue who the Dems will put up. Which is good since it means the GOP will only have a year or two to gather opposition info instead of four.

    I’ve been saying for a while: whoever won was going to give the other a prominent position to make use of their supporters and skills. And I was right!

    Ugh, YES! For gods’ sake it is a disservice to the records of BOTH Ellison and Perez to simply label them Bernie vs. Hillary Mark II. They are actual goddamn people with their own plans and accomplishments!

    This just has me terrified. Muhammad is a very common name and you just know tons of US citizens are going to get stopped for it. Ditto for all the other totally common names like Abdul, Kareem,and so many more.