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    I would have known it was either Russia or France (I always forget who has their red stripe where).

    Yep. Nothing more fun than a nice cheap used DS game. Got the Megamind game for five bucks a few years ago, totally worth that. Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs...well, I’m glad I didn’t pay full price for it.

    NYT, yes. And CNN’s actually been growing a spine lately so I’d notice that too.

    Just listening to the trailer while it wa splaying as an ad on another tab was creepy as hell. Not my thing at all, mind you (I’m the kind of person who can nly watch someone Let’s Play Five Nights at Freddy’s with the lights on for crying out loud) but I hope it does well. Peele’s always done funny well so it’s great

    Yeah, I was always confused as a kid by “aliens built the pyramids” stuff since I was super into Ancient Egypt and a lot of book detailed multiple ways it could have worked (dirt ramps! roll the stones on logs like an early conveyor belt! pulleys!). Wasn’t until college I realized the myths were because people didn’t

    I’m trying to remember where, but I saw a great post noting that the “Dark Ages” were only dark* for Europe, everywhere else was doing cool shit.

    There was a poster on one teacher’s door at my college about how Odin would fuck up Neo-Nazis who pretend to idolize him because “manly white viking” shit.

    I remember someone on tumblr got fed up with both this kind of racist and the well meaning leftists who say no one should do anything outside their culture or it’s cultural appropriation made a list and demanded both sides abide by it. Given that would mean everyone not Chinese would have to give up ice cream and

    I remember in middle school I went to camp. They’d previously been run by more chill Christians but that year had a hardline Baptist minister who got himself in hot water when explaining animals didn’t have souls and thus couldn’t go to heaven.

    Conservatives have been convincing themselves that fascists are left wing for years.

    Yep. Never forget that YouTube reaches the younger age brackets. I remember reading about how the creator of Yander Simluator was horrified at kids and young teens in the fanbase for the game before realizing it was because they followed YouTubers play it. He’s been VERY firm that the game is intended for adults (who

    I remember an advice book I read as a teen had a chapter on comedy that boiled down to “who’s more clever: the comedian who deals with a heckler by swearing at them and getting a shocked laugh for the audience at their anger, or the comedian who rolls with it and keeps being funny out of cleverness?”

    Yeah. I remember when Bill Cosby came to town when I was a teenager. Tons of parents were all “finally, a clean comic!” and took their kids and teens to his show. Turned out the majority of his act was bitching about “kids today” (the rest was really outdated, he told a 20 year old story that made no sense) and a lot

    Yeah, only one I know is my aunt and we’re not speaking right now. She was stunned to learn CA is not some hellhole with no money but in fact the biggest econcomy in the states, so, some progress, but still thinks Trump is a gracious man with few vices (“He doesn’t even drink, Tza!” “Well neither do I so I guess you

    As someone in the field of museum studies, this man can kindly fuck off on all counts.

    Een as a kid I thought that was a very awkward fraction to go with.

    Just because Ben Carson is asleep half the time doesn’t mean you can count him as half a person.

    Law enforcement who work in schools. My middle school was such a hellhole we needed two because of all the fights. Hence why the one I mention was trying to introduce more anger management for the kids--he didn’t want us to do anything we’d regret that hurt us for years to come.

    Nah, just let their dogs do it. Or empty their doggie doo bags there, if the dog goes early.

    If he was accidentally carrying it it would have been. My middle school SRO, during an assembly on gun safety, once related to us the time he “humilitaed himself” by forgetting to take off his holster off duty and then going to a Walgreen’s and spooking people (he’d remembered to remove the badge and put a jacket on