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    Well he’s Finnish so maybe it’s a normal name?

    My mom took her class there, said it’s wonderful. They got to go not long after it opened. My dad still hasn’t been, mom might take us both after I move back in this summer.

    It’s especially weird because Jews and African Americans are the two MOST liberal voting blocks (African Americans usually in the high eighty percent range, Jew usually mid seventies) and both are VERY active for social justice causes. But there are still antisemetic black people and racist Jews who end up making both

    Yep. we get it from both sides. The right only cares about Israel physically existing and don’t really care what state it’s in because of their stupid apocalypse ideas while ignoring antisemitism otherwise, and the left think all Jews are hyper conservatives who love Bibi despite American Jews being majority liberal

    That is sadly what the right wing believes. They think all this stuff is false flags by leftists to stir the pot and cause problems to make “identity politics” a thing again. Which, you know, for some of us it never stops being a thing based on who we are but they don’t know that.

    For god’s sake, he could have even gone on one of his “law and order” speeches about how he’s bringing order back to our streets. Perfect time for a pro-police rant, too. Nothing.

    He’s also protrayed being gay as a choice, claiming he only sleeps with men because women are so terrible. Dude’s a bucket of asshole stereotypes.

    This is going to trash him. The Red Pill loony MRAs he has as part of his base HATE young boys being raped. It is the only rape they take remotely seriously (because a lot are homophobes more seirously when it’s by an adult man, ubt some do care if it’s an adult woman doing the raping too) and honestly as someone who

    Yep. What we CAN do is scare the shit out of congress, especially the representatives who are up in 2018. Those town halls? They’re getting to them. Keep up the pressure.

    Too late, the Russia stuff is bigger than watergate, his bae just doesn’t care.

    Yep. We Hunted the Mammoth would be in much agreement--a lot of this stuff is deeply rooted in antifeminism and grows from there.

    There’s a lot of wacky stuff. Like, I’m in grad school, museum studies. We were having a class chat and people were still trying to defend Uber as “sharing economy” rather than a large corporation. Another girl is doing her thesis on “why do corporate-museum partnerships have such a bad reputation and how do we change

    My cousin nearly went into HR. She’s a super nice social butterfly who likes making everyone happy. Came home in tears from her first internship because “everyone is afraid of me!” She transferred into a training position: now her job is helping older workers understand newer tech and her social skills get good work

    I really like doing work on glass when I can. It’s just a lot of fun. Hopefully it’ll make someone really happy and net the charity some money.

    Been doing a metallic painting of the princesses from My Little Pony. All my pony art is going in BABSCON’s charity auction in April before I move.

    Working on the literature review part of my thesis. I’m doing a study on virtual exhibits and virtual collections and the literature ended up being a touch on the sparse side (something two of my sources even admit) but there’s some cool stuff. Like scanning sculptures and then digitizing them down to wireframe

    Given how he’s described some gamers, he does not. But as an antifeminist Gamergate was a siren call.

    I find there are a few common qualifiers:

    I’m pretty sure you could compile on out of tumblr fanart.

    They still hav Last Week Tonight, which is infinitely superior to Maher.