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    Yep. He used to do Gamergate stuff and then worked his way into the Alt-Right in order to stay relevant. Man’s an opportunist.

    Go over to We Hunted the Mammoth. They have records of a lot of the Red Pill gang, from their posts. Milo was a Gamergate type (he’s a serious misogynist, blames his being gay on women being too awful, also a huge racist who claims he can’t be racist since he loves black dicks) before he branched into the Alt-Right as

    I wish Wilmore was still on. He’s so good.

    Yep, Meyers, Bee, Colbert, and Noah are my current go-tos. Only I watch them in the early morning before work instead of at night since, well, I have to be at work at 5 am got to go to bed early.

    Remember when Larry Wilmore was reminding people of this all the time? God I miss his show. I miss having a show host with a segment called “we did’t forget about” because that happens so much, a crisis or a crime fading from public memory.

    I had that happen with turkey. The first slice tasted okay but the second slice was disgusting. Turns out it was actually a couple weeks past its date. And of course I got sick later. Now I check the dates on my meats and cheeses.

    I always assumed because Americans stereotypically like food.

    Reminds me of when my college had a Pokemon Stadium tournament. I abused some of the stuff about Gen1 people had forgotten (Cansey’s a beast, psychic is broken, Stadium equalizes non-evolved mons with their evolved forms by giving the non-evolved the better moves). I sweapt everyone but the last person with a team of

    My only issue with “whitepeopleling” is that it doesn’t roll off the tongue very well, mostly the “eopling” part. I do like how it is distinct from “whitesplaining” in that it conveys the grounding in hypocrisy but idk, as word construction goes it feels off somehow. Not sure what another word for it would be, though.

    I think the other thing is, some of these people don’t always get where the Sen or Rep is from. Gwen Graham was from my hometown and she is the first Dem in a LONG time to get in (kicked out asshole Steve Southerland to do it too) and was one of two districts to flip blue in ‘14. Was she a dyed in the wool liberal?

    I mean tap dancing christ, you don’t know how someone’s going to react to you touching them. Didn’t her mama ever teach her not to touch without permission? Or do only liberal mothers instill manners?

    I’ve been happy for Perez and Ellison doing that. Not only is it trying to prolong something that ended a while ago, it’s also disparaging to both of them to act like they’re not their own men with their own plans and merely stand-ins for people with more established fanbases.

    That’s just it--movies are now an experience. Something you’re paying to do, usually with others. More people are going to pay more for something fun and exciting than a drama or something depressing.

    Yeah. Excluding historical fiction I’m just not into “realistic” movies. Gimme superheros, magic, or lightsabers any day.

    Yeah. Like I’ll occasionally see histroical fiction in theaters, but normally I have to watch at home because I’m a snarky little thing about obvious inaccuracies. Same for adapations. My mom was ready to kill me halfway through the first Harry Potter movie (I’ve gotten much better since then) and my friends during

    I think her current run’s pretty good. They took a huge risk by having her back off from the Joker entirely and enter other relationships (beyond her on and off thing with Ivy) and end up in antihero territory. I think it’s mostly paid off, with her in some ways becoming Marvel’s answer to Deadpool while still having

    Remember 04. Kerry just wasn’t “exciting” enough and “don’t switch horses mid-apcylpse” and yadda yadda.

    Oh wow, he’s gotten better. The shadow for the buff one’s a little iffy but nice quality overall.

    Bless this post.

    Wow. I was in middle school and all I did was select pack lines whose commons and low tier rares I found useful (Magic Ruler and Labyrinth of Nightmare were good to me).