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    I just joked to a customer about something like this the other day. I work at a store that sells Tsum-Tsums (those little Disney figs that are like little blobs) and she and her daughters were feeling all the blind bag ones because of course the girls didn’t want repeats of ones they already had. The mother admitted

    Evan McMullin was on seth Meyer’s show recently and said just that. You have to convince the GOp that the policy wins Trump may hand them aren’t worth the cost.

    This should surprise no one. Green Party VP candidate was openly pro-Assad. Considers being against him imperialism.

    While he’s new on the scene, I want John Boyega to get this. Like sure he’s Finn, but I want him to be in everything because he is so awesome. He’s just so expressive and enthusiastic and it’s wonderful. And such a nice guy!

    PDP is the biggest but others like Markiplier and Jacksepticeye are pretty big. However, the bigger channels for individual Youtubers tend to be the exception rather than the rule.

    Yeah. Like, people claim “Blazing Saddles culd never be made today” even Brooks himself. But sometimes I wonder if some of the other people know why Blazing Saddles is funny besides “it’s offensive and people say the N word.”

    There was actualy a fascinating post I saw recently on tumblr about this sort of thing. It was about how some people seem to think tumblr is more private than it is. So you have A who mostly uses their blog for personal stuff and is followed by maybe twenty people. One of those people reblogs something and it’s passed

    I think you summed it up very well. The times race humor or other offensive humor really works are far outnumbered by someone who just says something offensive and thinks it’s funny simply because they said something offensive.

    Dude’s barely making it through town halls right now. I think he’s going to start getting nervous and soon.

    Going by Miller’s terrifying interview, the courts are definitely the front lines of this war, and the administration is determined to try and undermine it.

    While I agree with cutting it, I mourn the loss of the phrase “homing beacon of death around your neck”. That’s a nice one.

    I think Davis’ approach works best for white people who’ve never really been around a black person. My elementary school had like one black kid, and my middle school had none. So while we read about MLK and Ruby Bridges (and yes, it is weird to read about her while in an almost entirely white school) black people

    I can see Ryan cooperating if it get him the presidency, yes.

    Also turn it up because Tea Party groups are planning to start going to town halls to try and drown out liberals because they know we’re making the more vulnerable GOP nervous. Fuck that noise, we’ll be even louder!

    Seriously their dynamic was great. I’m in Team Denial where when Dick went back to being Nightwing, Damian and Bruce quickly realized they just did not work together well and Damian moved to being Nightwing’s sidekick instead. No “Talia has his clone kill him” shenanigans needed. Bruce can be the dad, Dick can be the

    Yes. You can. I have brought sandwiches, chips, crackers, candy, and bananas through nearly every time. Along with an empty water bottle I can fill up at a water fountain.

    There is Trump/Cruz slashfic out there so no, not always.

    Very good article. Thanks for sharing.

    It has gotten old, hasn’t it?

    This should be the top comment. Because it is the most true.