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    I do admit the proxy thing annoys me. I think whicever wins, give the other a position of prominence in outreach so mollify their supporters (if it’s one of them).

    Yep. For crying out loud there is more important shit to do people!

    Yeah, they’re both pretty similar, both like the 50 state plan. I’d like for whichever one doesn’t get the job to still be given a major outreach position because you know both of them have supporters who will get bitchy over their guy losing.

    And Royal Diaries. Which had ones where I got pissed off when a major character was made up (Indira in Jahanara’s, alost everyone in Ch’iao Kuo’s). But still, a cool way to learn about amazing women from other cultures. Sondok was amazing.

    Homicide rate went up, yeah. But notice the studies that point out how Standing Your Ground tends to work best if you’re s white guy...otherwise it’s the mandatory minimums from the old gun control laws.

    Yep. I’m wearing one right now (no longer a teen tho) because...dun dun dun, it’s drizzling but the dog needed a walk! Millennials as a generation tend to use hoodies for everything short of a torrential downpour or freezing temperatures. They’re like T-shirts, or blue jeans, something pretty much everyone starts

    I remember reading it on Mother Jones and raging about conservative people acting like the hoodie indicated he was a bad kid. It’s fucking FL and raining, almost every teenager is going to be wearing a goddamn hoodie in those circumstances! I was one of them! Need to run a quick errand in the rain? Toss on a hoodie,

    Yeah. I was kind of the class target of the gifted class but one thing that made my dad in seventh grade was when one of my biggest bullies started dating an eighth grader and started acting like he was hot shit and everyone hated him for it. He thought it made him king of all the boys in the class and they did not

    Reminds me of 2010. I was in England for Freshmen Abroad and all the English students who shared the flat with me were baffled at why Americans didn’t wan’t universal healthcare. And that we’d re-elected Bush. It was fun explaining American culture, though they were very offended when I explained the anti universal

    President Duckworth will have too much to do to fix everything Donnie and Pence broke. VP Al Franken have to handle it. I think he won’t mind.

    I went to England for my first semester of college in 2010 (it was a freshmen abroad program) and all my English roommates wanted to know wtf was wrong with Americans to where they didn’t want universal healthcare. I cited the handful of conservative arguments which mostly consist of “England’s system sucks, long

    I think they didn’t know what to do with Erin and Abby’s plotline. There was so much potential there: Erin abandoned Abby and their calling because her desperation for credibility and respect outweighed knowing they were right and doing the right thing. That cropped up a little bit when they agreed to keep things

    I feel the people playing other word leaders and dead!Bannon stole the show...which was the point since it makes Trump look even more pathetic. The bit with the Mexican President was great.

    She NAILED it as Devos. The “Jesus School” is a similar situation.

    That would be so beautiful. I think they could pull it off, given how chaotic things are.

    my fuzzy boy.

    NYX makes these fat concealer tubes that are great. It’s like a giant lipstick tube, but it’s concealer. I use it all the time.Draw on, blend, little power if you need it, go.

    Seconded, cold water rinse is one of the best things you can do. I do it every time right before I get out of the shower. Hot water equals frizzy hair, cold water helps it out.

    I mean given there’s a giant hole where Russia is, I wonder how a lot of history went down. No too far a stretch...