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    Conservatives think regulations are made up for shits and giggles to impede work, not because some asshole somewhere did something that had bad consequences and now we need to make sure no one else does it.

    I thought they moved him to the back. Like, they were going to kick Hamilton off the ten but then decided not to and said Tubman could have the 20.

    Um, yeah. Colleges accept internet sources all the time. As do grad schools. It’s not whether or not it’s online, it’s whether or not it’s verifiable.

    Plus, as someone who had to use a library’s computers for over a week while my laptop got fixed, most of them have time limits since there’s such high demand to use them. Unless you luck out and go when the library’s very empty, you might not even have time to fill out a full online application, given many have

    This. When I applied to Toys R Us, both times I had to spend over an hour online filling out just one survey. Plus put in personal information that I want to put in under a secure connection, not a public one where anyone cans see what you’re doing.

    I want a small home but I do want a yard for my dog. Even if it’s a small yard. And preferably near a god place to walk him because dear god does this dog have energy and if I don’t wea him out he decides to wage war on my sanity (it’s not entirely his fault, he’s a young labradoodle and they are very high energy).

    Most ridiculous purchase I ever did see was when I was in high school and a family friend bought his daughter a 16000 dollar truck...when she got her learner’s permit. Not even the license. And me being me I blurted out how that seemed like a bad idea.

    Reminds me of a time when I was in middle school. It was me, the boys, and a sub in Geometry (every other girl in my Geometry class was on the tennis team and it was game day and idk where the teacher was). After we’d finished the day’s work the sub was just chatting and we moved onto dream cars. A lot of the boys

    A business technology class I took actually did a section on this. There was a story where a guy was in a self-driving car that crashed into a large truck because it confused the bright white truck trailer with the horizon and didn’t even slightly decrease speed. The human driver was supposed to compensate for errors

    Mine is more wondering if they’ll do anything different in 2018. Or will the convince themselves it’s just Trump, not their party, and keep going GOP on everything?

    Here. Have this. You’ll like it.

    My aunt’s like that. Also thinks he’s a apragogn of health, does not want to fuck his daughter, never sexually assaulted anyone, and is better than so many liberals because he claims he doesn’t drink.

    *coughs* Young Turks!

    Seriously. I knew people who genuinely did not like Hillary (even some who claimed to hate her while also admitting she was facing sexism and that was wrong so yay on some fronts) who STILL voted for her because beating Trump was more important to them. One of them, a Christian, had taken to wearing shirts reminding

    Intern with a tablet offscreen who will wave upon getting facts and hold the tablet up behind Kellyanne so the anchor can read it.

    Given Raichu only evolve through Thunder Stone use, it’s possible that the majority of Raichu are owned by trainers, with the exceptions occurring around areas where Thunder Stones are mined or found or whatever. Thus Raichu’s existence almost entirely relies on trainers and training and evolution to get just a bit

    Yeah. There was this really heartwarming story about the town of Whitefish coming together against a Neo Nazi march targeting local Jewish orgs but the comments were a cesspit of antisemitism screaming FAKENEWS! about it.

    Yep. Women leaving bad relarionhips due to not being financially dependent on their abusers is bad now I guess.