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    Oh a lot want her gone. She’s tained by the Clinton virus or too old guard or something.

    I about swooned when I read the Reuters directive to stop caring about being allowed “access” or not depending on how you report. Yeah baby, talk actual reporting to me...

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    Hassan Minhaj did a great bit like that on the daily show.

    That’s the POINT. Milo knows this. He gets himself invited to places he knows will protest, usually by idiots like the administration who want to seem tolerant by inviting him or Republican clubs who want to go “look, see, gay speaker! our party’s not homophobic!”

    Bernie two BIGGEST mistakes were calling Hillary unqualified, giving the GOP that soundbite, and declaring the primary rigged when he started losing. RIGGED! is still being cried even now, months later despite him being down 3 million votes in the primary. Those were both terrible errors. All RIGGED! did was push

    Eh, I do it. And got my grandpa to do it. So at least two people have done it.

    Some idiots are claiming we need to vote out every Dem in congress. They...they DO know that that probably means more GOP right?

    Find out who’s running in your area. Make sure your local Dem party knows to let no GOP Rep go unopposed.

    They need to do one of Mario playing a Zelda game. Like you’re watching the gameplay...and then pull away from the screen and it’s Mario playing.

    Translation: Donnie just heard about him, assumes the same for everyone else.

    We need to think about 2018 before we even consider 2020. Flip as much Blue as we can. Let no GOP run unopposed.

    Like sometimes the only difference is he’s taller and broader shouldered. Which, no. Dude’s at least forties, come on.

    Okay I actually do that but it’s because my taste buds are fucked and think hot dogs on buns are fine but a burger and bun don’t work together (Also no condiments or additives like lettuce or whatever else on any burger ever. Hot dogs may be seasoned only with mac and cheese). So I just salt, cut, and eat the burger

    For crying out loud the Joker regurally poisons people with Joker Venom. Hell no would I want my food in any way “Jokerized”!

    Because the anti-vax movement has convinced a lot of people that people on the spectrum are subhuman, soulless, and/or better off dead.

    Yeah. Like I’d get mad at my team sometimes and whine a bit and I’m glad they didn’t have to hear that. Like the only thing I’d want it for is letting my teammates know they could use the beacons I put out since a lot of them don’t. But hey, small price to pay.

    While community policing is a better model than high force models...Trump doesn’t support it. He wants funds cut from community policing programs and put into force-based ones. So, yeah, that’s wrong.

    CNN has holograms, so this won’t stop them from simulating what would be said if they got an interview.

    Idk on number 4. There’s plenty of batshit awesome stuff from history that’s not even “alternative facts.” Like Mary Bowser, who set the Confederate White House on fire after spying on Davis by getting a position as his wife’s servant (she gets a movie next, right? Please, I wanna see Confederate shit burn so bad...).

    My dad likes it but he only gets the VERY basics. He has a blue shirt and a white shirt to work out in, and two pairs of black shorts. He’s recently gotten into those tennis shoes with toes for his feet and idk what the brand is.