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    “Also, people confuse the First Amendment and think we have a constitutional right to applause.”

    Given they’re space vikings, for all PETA knows it’s high tech fake fur made out of stardust that protects against laser blasts and radiation.

    I did see an interesting strategy to deal with him...start giving him credit for everything (since it’s mostly him anyway). Act like Trump is inconsequential and Bannon had the real power. Then sit back and see what Donnie does at having to share the spotlight.

    Don’t forget the jerks who, before the match even starts, declare they’re throwing because their teammate picked a “non-meta” hero. Especially Hanzo and Junkrat (even on maps/modes when those characters are good). No one’s even made a move yet, but they think the game is worthless now.

    People just do NOT get how the process works. They seem to think you got to an airport, say “I am a refugee, send me to the US” and you just get to go. These people are waiting 18 months to two years to come in, plus over a thousand dollars in fees, and something as small as misunderstanding a single document question

    I saw the name and thought of a video game idea someone had on tumblr.

    They are real items within the game, from what I can tell. Rare ones. TF2 is often called a hat simulator for a reason, some players go gaga over trying to get the most unique hat possible. Since peoples can trade items, there’s a whole marketplace built around it (Valve gets a cut, too). The gambling is just the next

    Given the comic is nearing an end (so, like, a year, two tops) my guess is TF3 or some massive overhaul is coming at the end of the story.

    The DNC’s not doing much openly since it still lacks a chair. However since the two top contenders (Ellison and Perez) have pretty much the exact same stated plan (go back to the 50-state model from Dean, focus locally again, focus on labor, focus on civil rights) with only the minutia in dispute, I vote they start

    I think Uber was banned from that airport.

    Given the size of that airport, one hour’s all your need to fuck things up royally with transport. ESPECIALLY if the shuttles join in. Because what equals angry people at an airport? Crowds and waiting. Do it at dinner time? People will be even more pissed. The hope is to get them pissed enough to wonder what’s going

    Yep. And it’s working.

    Especially one of the states that puts in more than they get back.

    I still remember being a kid and seeing them in a Guinness World Records book around 2000 or 2001. They were some of the few women in there and I was just hooked.

    Plus there is the angle of fakery being too obvious. Many Let’s Players will just outright state that they are playing something for a segment because they made a deal with someone to do so. Hell, Markiplier was playing this monster game I thought looked a little cool and then he outright told everyone that the

    “A redhead kicked my dog so I’m going to attack the St. Patty’s Day celebrations!”

    Well his sentence was only a little over 5 years. I assume it was served.

    Yeah, especially since they don’t give any sort of example as to what was helped with. Like, Dragon Age Inquisition ran Krem’s character by some trans people and cited a few changes they made to the scene where he’s revealed to be trans. In the original, Bull essentially outed him with a binding reference. It was

    I still remember when Johns’ Hopkins said they could build something faster and cheaper. Turns out no one checked to see if they knew how to build it and they were calling govt. engineers every day and pretty much needed their hands held in how to do the work they got hired to do. My dad wanted to just send them an

    I vote my dad instead. As a govt engineer he actually has a plan for reigning in military spending while still getting them better equipment (thus making both sides happy): stop hiring shitty contractors and letting them waste hundreds of millions building things wrong.