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    Millenial is the name of a generation, those who came of age during the new millenium. Technically anything anyone in the age range of about 17-37 is a millennial thing. But it’s applied generally when they do things people don’t like, or confuse them, or to teenagers who are too young to be millennials.

    Plus the MOST annoying people are the people wondering if it’s somehow bigoted to make jokes about hipsters. (Seriously they exist. I was relating the opening storyline of Gang of Harleys where Harley Quinn and her team drive a hipster mafia away from a local street fair and my coworker said “hey, do you think

    Oh they totally don’t know. My NC aunt thinks CA is in the toilet with debt and can barely fund itself. This is what most conservative Americans think about CA. It contributes nothing but movies and makes no money (ha!)

    If you’re looking for a collection of this to mock, there’s always

    My mom works with kids with pretty low-functioning autism who could get overwhelmed and have fits. You do your best to prevent them from harming themselves or others if they have a fit usually by holding them to you in a special restrain-hug combo, but that means you take the most damage. There were some kids she

    Join the Resistance(‘s twitter)

    Here’s a lot of them

    There was an (alleged) white house leaker who tweeted out what’s going on. The account got suspended but the gist was Donnie is barely controllable and the only reason things haven’t lost all sense of reason is Priebus, who wants to resign and Ryan talked him into staying.

    Would be so easy, right? Yeah progressives have been on this one for a while but the GOP claims it violates rights or whatever. Your right to not be registered to vote.

    And then the hydra dies from the stress on its heart from supplying blood to too many heads.

    One reason I know of is because there is one thing they are very bad at and that is kicking out bad teachers. It can take years to boot a bad union teacher and that sours the parents of every child who has that teacher against the union and all the kids too. My mom’s school took two years to get rid of someone and

    I’m pretty sure Mr. Clean is officilly asexual anyway so it doesn’t matter if we want to fuck him or not.

    I saw a youtube ad trailer for it that kept flashing the title with a whispered “get out” and was like “god why didn’t you let me skip this, god why didn’t you let me skip this?” because I don’t like horror movies and it was freaking me out! It was worse than the loud noises in the Girl on the Train teasers!

    Aw, that’s wonderful! Yeah, I’ve gotten some good mons, some trash mons, and some trash mons I needed because I didn’t feel like getting them myself.

    Yeah, or not let them thru Wonder Trade? I don’t think I’ve gotten a hacked one yet (I’ve gotten the starters I didn’t have but they were both lv one so I’m guessing it’s a friendly breeder like me with Mimikyus, ditto on some version exclusives) but I use WT a lot and would hate to get banned because someone gave me

    Depends on the beast but the lv 100 is what makes it seem iffy. I’ve sent out two Phremosas that I gave some good TMs to, but it makes you catch 4 in game so I still have two anyway. I never even trained them.

    During Peak French Excess (aka around Marie Antoinette’s time), women would have entire landscapes built into their hair.

    That’s partly the point. The heavy, over-the-top getups are there to show the queen exists as a symbol to Naboo, not who she was before. It’s a sign of giving yourself to the role. It also means she can easily swap with a handmaid of the same height since the excessive makeup, crazy hair, and multi-layered outfits

    Oh I agree it’s even worse that he didn’t know and ran, but it does seem a lot of people don’t know who does what.

    They’re leaking stuff all the time about what a buffoon he is. It ain’t done shit yet.