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    And he didn’t even really do that! He has been trying and try and people kept letting him down in regards to congress and local politics. The far left treated him like the he was the tyrant the right imagined he was, able to do anything with a wave of his wand. Dude did a pretty good job with a bad situation, bar a

    Seriously. They text in class, you take their phone and tell them to come back after school for it. My mother did that a ton while subbing.

    Oh hey, someone maybe criticized St. Bernie! PILE ON THEM WITH HATE!

    Yeah I didn’t know the working class had no racial minorities in it. Or women. Or LGBT+ people. Who might all have issues they’d like addressed, thus making those issues working class issues. Nope. None of them are in the working class at all...

    Theyre very left wing. So let wing they’ve circled back around to the right wing. They just haven’t noticed yet.

    And as an actual Civil War nerd instead f a nostalgic fuckwit...THAT’S NOT EVEN THE RIGHT GODDAMN FLAG! That is a battle flag from Lee’s army, THIS was the Confederate flag

    The Left are also stupid becuase a lot of us treat anyone who wasn’t always on our side with contempt. Like that guy we just found out about today, who worked for Bush and was anti ACA before it saved his life and made an impassioned plea for it to Ryan? Yeah, a lot of liberals are shitting on him because he was only

    Satanic Temple’s already on it. Everyone should join.

    Not a medical professional but no, given many organisms do not have a heart. If you mean for HUMANS then also no as we normally go by whether or not someone is brain-dead. BUT as Terry Schaivo’s parents tried to insist even that shouldn’t count.

    I will never forgive so-called leftists who parroted the alt-right in attacking Hillary Clinton. NEVER. They were so determined to smear her for not being good enough they didn’t even realize they were doing the Nazi’s job for them.

    I went Bernie in the primary but that was REALLY early (I had to mail in from out of state) and I was pissed at him by the end of January. I also liked Clinton just fine all the while. Also a millenial, also constantly called a shill, paid off, yadda yadda.

    Defintely. The few criticsms I have are pretty minor and depending on his intentions may not be an issue (ex: I feel the many symbols in the piece seem more like they’re competing for space instead of working together but if the mood was meant to be more chaotic than maybe that’s okay) and other than those the colors

    Seth Meyers already declared the term dead and having lost all meaning. That did not take long...

    He’s not exciting and I don’t like a lot of his policies, but dude handled FL pretty well all things considered. And We’re FL so that was kind of hard...maybe the reason a milquetoast was able to run the joint was he’s secretly a plan-master.

    Seriously. Or FUDT like the FUTK the Dixie Chicks did for Toby Keith.

    Vespa left him at the alter and he was too tired to care.

    Hell this happened in her own state when she first ran pretty much, she was seen as out of touch, elitst, not warm and friendly enough...they’d rip her apat as sure as Hillary.

    Of course. CHIP is Clinton legacy and they want everything Dem gone.

    Same, I’ve still got a ton to do w/ Smash Bros, Hyrule Warriors, Splatoon, and Pokken Tournament. I can wait for prices to drop.