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    I remember when I discovered Phyllis Schlafley and was like “huh? but SHE’S working!”

    Al Franken’s been kicking some ass and could probably out-troll Trump.

    Oh good, not just me thinking that. I know the Joker is actually anti-Nazi and all but it just looks so similar....

    I know some poorer parts of the world have women sell their hair to wigmakers as it’s fairly valuable compared to other things they can do. Others are forced to sell it by family, so it’s good to chck the sources of wigs.

    Yep. As I saw eloquently stated to sum up some LBGT+ infighting, some people really want the satisfaction of calling out an oppressor without facing the actual trouble of confronting a real oppressor. So they turn on an ally or someone else in the movemnt who they can sufficiently distance from themselves as not being

    Horray! Just when I finally have a phone that can download it, too!

    I think an issue is many liberals don’t know the difference between criticizing an ally (which you can do fairly easy and calmly since odd are they made a mistake, are simply misinformed/under-informed, and are coming from a place of waning to help) vs. criticizing an actual bigot or an enemy. One of them is pretty

    One of the coolest things I ever saw was a ton of Hetalia cosplayers actually making a world map by laying on the floor in one of the atriums of a con. It took a while but it was amazing when they were done.

    It’s usually somewhere in the late teens that you find that one pairing that is so fucking weird that you realize people will ship anything. For my clique of nerds it was the discovery, made by one of our younger members and shared with the group, of a Hagrid/Dobby fic. I have since been unbothered by mad shipping

    Yeah, if this was tumblr Junkrat would be on there and pretty high up. Dude is shipped with EVERYONE (I’m into Boombox myself but Roadrat is the biggest with Meihem, Merrat, and Symrat also in the mix).

    Maybe the crawl tells us what everyone else was doing while Rey was flying to Luke’s place.

    Or he put it down so he and Hulk could arm wrestle and then someone teleported them away, leaving the hammer behind.

    Seriously, the Hulk beat a guy whose power was controlling gravity itself (which as Graviton was only to happy to tell everyone, is a fundamental force of reality) because Hulk Strongest There Is. No ifs, ands, or buts.

    Have someone else worthy do it OR wait til he puts it down and teleport him to the other side of the universe without it.

    Loki backseat driving is everything. EVERYTHING.

    Seriously, Rejected Princess has a whole book about these sorts of women. I’m a history nerd and I’d heard of maybe a fifth of the ladies in the book (to say nothing about the additional ones on the website) and many of them not in as much detail. It’s really amazing all the women out there when you dig for them.

    My grandma’s staying to do the women’s march. My folks are praying nothing happens to her (mom would go to keep an eye on things but she’s teaching and Dad is going to be out of town for work).

    Weddings and prom are pretty much it, yeah. I did have some fun looking for prom dressed back in 2010. There was this one that had a full ballgown skirt but it was made of tulle. And the tulle and corset were both so stiff that I stepped out of it and it stood up on its own. That was hilarious.

    Hell ignore the celebs, wouldn’t MOST people do this?

    Here’s the thing: I already don’t watch too many live action movies. So it wasn’t as clear to me until the thing with The Artist no. A lot of time I’d either seen one or two of the others in the running or at least heard they were very good by some metric or other that I trusted. But The Artist was SO gimicky and SO