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    And they’re already trying to tank Perez the same way since they’ve decided Ellison is Bernie 2.0

    Yeah, The Artist is a big part of why I don’t care about these award shows much beyond Best Animated. A forgettable movie mostly about being artsy and playing up the “good old days” of Hollywood.

    Seriously. There is a huge post going around tmblr right now smacking the far left with “Do you people even remember the Bush Years? The Terror Threat Level? The Free Speech Zones? The two wars? How close we came to an amendment banning gay marriage? And you diss Obama as a conservative* who’s done nothing?” Some of

    Yep! Just a neoliberal pawn for the oligarchs, that Perez! He’s done nothing ever but support corporations, all that other stuff doesn’t matter at all!

    Perez is seen as establishment and went with the administation in backing TPP (at least initially, I’m not sure of his current stance). And while those marks against Ellison may seem embellished to the left, one has to remember to the center they may seem bigger. But the far left is playing it as Bernie Mark 2 vs.

    Exactly. We need to look at what is the bare bones stuff we need done and then for the rest work on how to get it done in addition. We need to be able to articulate our arguments for why that needs to get done in the most straightforward manner possible. If it takes you more than a sentence or two, you may have

    Exactly on CW vs BvS. If a film isn’t fun, I’m more likely to pick up on its flaws. BvS was too dark and dull to get into while CW was fun enough (most of the time) keep me invested in the story instead of in what was going wrong.

    I thought it was pretty darn good, but the two “main” Ghostbusters did not have their stories told well, letting Patty and Holtzman steal the show. It seems like Erin and Abby’s characters needed more thought, especially Erin’s (especially since her character’s need for validation gets someone killed and then they

    What’s worse, a ton of liberals are STILL hung up over that and want to purge the party of what they consider “Hillary’s poison” or they claim they’ll never go Dem again. Like, okay, you REALLY want to make it easy for the GOP then? Like seriously, some of the shit in the Perez vs. Ellison for party chair is getting

    In addition to his childhood having some really messed up moments. Dude when to school when schools were allowed to beat you, for one thing. A lot of the messe up authority figures in his stories are based off people he knew. You can see how it shaped his view of the world.

    Yeah. I got vaccinated against a few things before spending a month in China in 2000. I think it was one a strain of one disease we don’t get much here (or didn’t at the time) and the other was something totally not required here at all. That was when I learned there were separate strains of similar diseases like

    Hell the Greek prt of the war in general. No radar, just put people on mountains with radios and hope they get it right. Good god.


    I’ll admit a bit worried about Cars 3 since Lightning’s main comeptition is implied to be some car named Jackson who from press releases sounds like a huge dig on Millennials. Now that could be the press releases getting it wrong and he’s your average “new school thinks it’s better than the old school just because

    That happened to my mom. She got it at the beach and assumed she’d sat on something sharp (due to blood and accompanying cramps). Her nurse mother gave her correct info when she told her but damn what a thing to think.

    I remember when my friend got her period at a water park and kept trying to tell us with code words. “My aunt is in town.” The rest of us had no clue until she hissed she was bleding “down there” and needed quarters for a tampon.

    Seriously. I made my dad buy me tampons just two weeks ago (I was visiting them and got sick right as I ran out of my own so someone else had to and mom was also sick). I have had to describe the brand thoroughly so he bought the right tampons (he did). I explained why not to buy the super ones eve tho I have a very

    I think that ight fall under biohazards so just spray one with red Kool-Aid since he won’t know the difference.

    Yeah that’s what annoyed me with Snowden too. He dumped the info and just assumed news agencies would be responsible when reporting on it instead of redacting things himself. Because yeah, when rushing to try and outscoop each other they’re gonna be REALLY careful...

    Wait was it him or Milo who got called a grownup Draco Malfoy? Man did that make me feel bad for Malfoy...