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    Most are gotten rid of as women have no need for penis substitutes, and the kept ones are for practical reasons like hunting or rural security. A handful of female crimelords hang onto large stashes though.

    Exactly. I despise the man but yeah, he’s allowed to refill those posts. BUT it makes more sense to, you know, wait to recall the old guy until you have the new one prepped and ready to go and through congress and everything.

    Seriously, Jon Stewart was going after him on the drone thing years ago. As long as you’re critiquing actual policy with actual facts and not using racist dogwhistles you’re good.

    Well we don’t want either. Take Texas or I’ll express ship you the washed up singer.

    Well actually we did make an alliance with the Church of Cthulu on here a few years ago so why not?

    All conservatives think that. I had to beat my aunt over the head with the fact that she was wrong by a million miles.

    I thought you already gave us Beiber. Unless we somehow made you take him back for a bit?

    May I suggest the Great Church of Pikachu? We have a premium on lighting-based smiting and Our Lord Creator Arceus’ signature move is quite literally Judgement.

    This sounds like fun. Seriously I read in the bathroom all the time anyway. Just bring a good book or a phone or whatever, sit down, and don’t move.

    “If you look at all the states in the country that have the most robust economies, they are states almost without exception that do not allow men into ladies’ rooms. But many of the states at the bottom of the pile, where their economies are suffering, have different policies,” Patrick said, adding that North

    Yeah. If tumblr has taught me anything it is that people can use social justice reasoning to do anything if they put their mind to it, even deny social justice to others.

    It’s called “Ace Discourse” and it has gotten pretty ugly at times. A lot of it is recycled biphobia and transphobia too. Essentially asexuals and aromantics tend to consider sexual and romantic attraction separate things and can still be romantically attracted to people if they’re asexual or sexually attracted if

    That’s the thing. Just a callout means nothing. Sure on social media you can get someone dogpiled and driven off the site but you’ve not changed their mind, hell, you probably made them even more against you. And people who were watching may dismiss your position as “SJW bullshit” because of what they see as a severe

    Wanna know how hard it was to make out my ultrasound? My aunt ended up drawing a hat and smiley face on my ass (and a note dubbing me “Baby Herman” for some reason) because they couldn’t tell which end was the head.

    Over on tumblr there’s been this massive anti-asexual stuff going on in the LGBT+ community and one person finally called it out for what it really is: people want to get the feeling of fighting an “oppressor” without the actual danger that confronting a real oppressor can put them in. That really summed up a lot of

    THIS. Some of those on the farther left like to had the mid left, but the mid left are usually the only ones who manage to make ANY inroads at all. Sure we’re not doing it as fast as some would like but we are still TRYING.

    Seriously the same chunks of the left that declared her to be as bad as or worse than Trump are now wondering why she’s not trying to clean up the mess they contributed to make? HRC is going to do whatever she wants to now. She owes us nothing.

    Yup. A lot of people I know who rail aainst being PC are just as likely to get on me for being “rude” (usually for not letting them be jerks).

    I’ll admit I can think of a few but it’s normally overreaction from the far left not the left in general. A recent one is people complaining making Johnny and his Dad gorillas in Sing is racist since the dad is a gang member...but they’re not “gangsta” gang members (despite what some people claim—like saying they wear

    The Great Church of Pikachu. Our savior Pikachu electrocutes followers and non-followers alike as He wishes, on His whims. The Lord Arceus also doesn’t care if you believe in Him or not as it took four generations to even realize He existed at all. He will cast His Judgement* upon all and judge them for their deeds