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    I hate them both but then I was a Floridian kid in 2000 and Stein pulled a Nader all the way, right down to the arguing that the GOP person winning would be better since then a “real progressive” will beat them after one term and yeah that DID NOT happen with Bush...

    All right, let’s take bets on how long

    That struck me as odd too and I wanted some expansion on the money comment from him because of it.

    Then it’s revealed it’s just God of Stories Loki writing weird fanfics cause Loki got bored and you do NOT make the young god who just made themselves very powerful in a meta way bored.

    Why? She always gets rescued and do you SEE all the coins Mario gets whenever he goes after her? That is a key part of the Mushroom Kingdom’s budget right there.

    Yeah, this comes up a lot on our museums studes courses. Most museum boards are run by local rich people who just want the position since it sounds nice. To prevent exploitation most can only serve for like five years, but it is a weird system.

    I saw another good one on tumblr: Democrats view voting as a statement on who you are, Republican view voting as a way to gain power.


    He’s going to make them watch The Christmas Tree so their brains melt. Don’t trust it.

    It’s also a lie that no man will do it to another man. I was in a swordfighting group and the leader’s biggest piece of advice to all of us was “aim low” aka “hit them in the crotch because if you do it hard enough their plumbing doesn’t even fucking matter they just drop and thus advantage for your team”. Tons of

    Yeah I mainly use makeup three ways

    I can answer a few:

    I put my dog under the plane with United, since they have pretty good pet policy and it’s all explained really well online (you can get a copy of the checklistt they use to check the dog in to be sure everything’s good). He was skittish for about three minutes after I got him out of the crate in cargo, then calm but

    There was one dog in the cabin last Wednesday who suddenly lost it as we began descent. The owner tried everything but it took nearly ten minutes to hush it.

    Yeah, my family usually uses Southwest since we were stuck with Just Delta til I was like 13 and the change has been so good. I used United to visit for X-Mas since they had the best pet policy for shipping your dog under (with every rule explained really well online too!) and they were great coming out here to DC.

    ASA was said to be “always stuck in Atlanta” in my hometown cause for a while only ASA flights came to our airport and they were ALWAYS late.

    I’m not very religious but I do treat the bible as an interesting work of literature and declaration of faith. I totally want one. There was a great bible aimed at teens I had when I was in middle school, it had about fifty inserts describing interesting people from the bible (some even noted how different bibles

    You need to be careful about this.

    Oh it was all over tumblr. Lot of right wing trolls pretending to be concerned leftists and lot of Hillary hating leftists eating it up. #DraftOurDaughters was also popular as painting her more of a warmonger than Trump.

    Tell them Donald Trump’s pelvic bone is the ultimate aphrodesiac. Save the tigers currently suffering to give boners AND kill boners at the same time.