However you feel about him, you know who would have done it?
However you feel about him, you know who would have done it?
if hard-pressed, she could “describe his junk perfectly.”
It’s incredible. Almost every commenter on here is behaving like every shitty stereotype of feminists that exist. Disregarding facts and inconsistencies, accusing everyone who even so much as mildly disagrees of either being a rapist or a male redditor. It’s a level of extremism I thought was exclusive to the worst…
So I guess she’s the special snowflake who bore witness to the only fake rape accusations ever made, right?
Obvious to whom? I believe that Ansari would not have pushed her further than she was comfortable if he knew that she felt that she had no voice to object or stop things. It is possible that one person feels like their cues are clear and the other person thinks they mean something else entirely.
I agree that calling him a predator seems inaccurate and I do think this requires a more nuanced conversation about how men and women go about interacting in sexual and romantic situations.
To me, its also the vindictive angle about it. It was only when she sees that he just won a Golden Globe that she decides “The world needs to know he’s sexually aggressive”. An anonymous account of the incident for BOTH parties, could have illustrated the point and been described in the same amount of detail. Yet, the…
She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.
People don’t make up stories of sexual assault. Yes, it has happened
Or, maybe we could, you know, wait for something approaching evidence of wrongdoing, or at least confirm a pattern of behavior, before we indict someone in the court of public/social media opinion.
People don’t make this stuff up
So believe everything you ever read with no regard for the credibility of the source.
They aren’t a Russian porn site or anything
It’s not true that people don’t make this stuff up. How often it happens can be disputed, but to pretend it’s not a possibility is wrong.
Because she couldn’t say no or stop — or just leave? So she gave nonverbal cues? So get limp and think of England? And they had mutual oral sex before the second blowjob - and they were naked the whole time. My point? Stand up for yourself. This isn’t a secretary being chased around the office in 1950.
I think it’s great that woman are finally being taken seriously when telling their stories about inappropriate (and worse) behavior, but objectively, the ‘detailed story’ is not in the text. While he clearly engaged in some behavior she was uncomfortable with (which he didn’t dispute) there’s nothing about what he did…
Two problems with this story (or really one combined major problem):
Why didn’t she simply walk out? Why did she blow him? This is clearly a consensual sexual encounter she later regretted. “I didn’t really want to do it, but I did anyway” is not sexual misconduct.
I want to ask what Anthony Javellana asked of his former friend after her racist video “Was he smoking racism?”
This beats any list Letterman ever did. As a drinker, No. 5 is truth. Rum doesn’t “bring out” the racist in me. If it ain’t there sober, it ain’t there drunk (or high).