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    Totally. If they want to secede this time I say have at it, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. The blue states are tired of supporting them anyway. And I have friends in red states, but I think even they would be willing to move if it meant being rid of the racist leeches once and for all. After all the decent

    OMG, I experienced that the other way around. My mother was living near me and was at the beginning stages of dementia when it wasn’t totally obvious yet. We were paying for her to live in the most amazing senior facility. I would love to live there, honestly. They had lovely apartments, the food was terrific, there

    Keanu Reeves is hot as fuck. And super sweet and awesome too.

    He doesn’t look like Harrison Ford, but his face is weirdly proportioned and somewhat rubbery in a way that is similar to Harrison Ford. And I thought Han Solo was hot as fuck back in the day so I can see the Adam Driver thing. Too young for me though.

    It’s just that the bar is so very, very low.

    To be fair, it’s only a matter of time before there really is beachfront property in the arctic. But yeah, agree with you on the portrait.

    I guess instead of blowing smoke rings she should be colluding with Russia and cutting tails off of elephants she murdered.

    Oh, yeah, that’s been firmly established. I’ve gotten more shit for my relationship recently than I did when we first started dating decades ago.

    Because they’re tacky and hideous and show fingerprints and every bit of food and you can see everyone’s legs through them. Yuck.

    I’m not even terribly afraid of spiders but that would send me over the edge.

    Thanks. I see that now. I’m bookmarking that one.

    I call bullshit on the conservation argument. Wild populations of virtually all big game are declining. If they’re hunted into extinction (with help from poachers, habitat loss and climate change), there will be nothing left to conserve except in zoos. I find that unconscionable. I went on safari a couple years ago

    I would like to see the numbers on that, at least in terms of the big game hunting in Africa. Photo safaris are extremely popular (went on one a couple years ago and it was life-changing), and nothing had to die.

    I hate him with the white hot fury of a thousand burning suns. I hate everyone who even thinks this is something that needed overturning. I hate everyone who thinks killing endangered and threatened species is fun. I want every last one of them to die in a fire.

    I’ve read elsewhere that the photo was posed and a gag. I’m trying to find a source for this. It certainly looks set up.

    Oh, yes, one of my UPS drivers is hooooot. And so cute in those shorts.

    Very true but, damn, when you find someone that doesn’t need any instruction and knows how to make your toes curl...it’s the best.

    Thank you. You just improved my day drastically. We record the voice so we can skip over all the country music and just watch Miley and Jennifer Hudson.

    You’re a better person than I am.

    Also, those purses aren’t actually worth the money people are currently paying for them. As soon as celebrities move on to the next big thing they’ll be languishing in the back of 20,000 square foot closets.