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    I’m so jealous I could cry.

    Legit laughed out loud. That was good.

    Probably Kim Jong Un because it would be over faster. You just know Trump can’t get his tiny orange cocktail wiener up anymore.

    That sounds great. There are definitely ways to make a cruise work. I can’t imagine how else we could’ve had that many different people travel together without it getting stabby really fast, so I was pretty pleased overall. I was not into the magic shows and other shit like that, but I just found a quiet corner to

    We took an Alaskan cruise with family (it was admittedly the perfect solution for the number people and ages and personality types involved) and we purposefully sought out ways to get as far away from the shuffling herds of tourists outside the t-shirt shops as possible. We found hiking trails and quiet parks to

    I went on an Alaskan cruise and at one of the stops, the BIGGEST excursion group was going to the local Walmart. We’re talking about people that would pay thousands of dollars (Alaskan cruises are not cheap) to go to one of the most beautiful places on earth only to visit the local Walmart. I was told that people

    The best part was that Mueller anticipated this reaction and waited to spring the fact that Papadopoulos has been cooperating for months unbeknownst to anyone. That was gooooooood.

    Yes, I think they need to hide the nuclear codes from him at this point. Like in the cupholder of a piece of exercise equipment or the vegetable crisper, where he’ll never find it.

    As much as I’d like to get rid of the rotting pumpkin immediately, I very much want this to get drawn out until after the 2018 election. I’m TERRIFIED at the thought of Pence having a GOP-majority congress at his disposal. Unless of course they decide to lock up all the players who colluded themselves into an election


    Ha. Fair enough. But I think Weegee would be pretty puzzled if he’d been asked to do fashion spreads in his style.

    Haha. Thanks. And I don’t mean to imply that crime scene photographers do not care about their work. Just that they aren’t trying to make the subject look good. :)

    Really most sincerely dead.

    Yes. Yes. Yes. I’m a graphic designer who does not claim to be a photographer but has art directed about a 100 photo shoots and probably looked through a billion images in my career to find the right ones for the job. This is not good photography. He is not a good person.

    Thank you! His photography doesn’t make the models or the clothes look good, so what’s the point? He’s so “edgy” because his photos look like they were taken with all the care and same lighting as crime scene photos? And the fact that he’s a sleaze ball on top of it...

    Bless you.

    Okay, I’m going to be that person because I’m a print designer and I see this mistake so often it makes me crazy. “Stationary” = not moving. “Stationery” = paper on which letters are written. Unless that was a subtle joke about the fact that the Titanic and all of the stationery aboard is now stationary at the bottom

    I cry pretty easily while watching movies, maybe more like well up. But, yeah, there are only a handful of times I was that moved long after the credits rolled. Good analysis though, I believe you’re on to something. I think about when we adopted our pup. He had some health issues and, though we didn’t know how old he

    I went in the bathroom at the theater after the movie and cried pretty hard. I couldn’t even exactly pinpoint why, but it moved me a lot. Thankfully the bathroom was empty.

    I caught that and immediately decided I liked it better. Because goats.