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    Watching the car placement on Top Chef is better than having to listen to Gordon Ramsay and Graham Elliot choke out something about how great the steaks are at Walmart on MasterChef. I don’t care what cars professional chefs want to endorse, but they better not be telling me to get steaks from Walmart.

    I definitely think Margarita got way too fixated on Claire stealing her design. But I also think doing a very similar design to the piece that won the previous week’s challenge is pushing the “inspiration” thing just a tad.

    He knows if he holds Trump’s attention he’s sure to be called out and given a stupid-ass nickname from the podium. Liddle Randy or some such.

    God, it’s like when you start watching a movie but you hate every single character and wonder why the hell you’re supposed to care about any of them. Except we can’t turn this movie off, and it just keeps getting worse.

    It’s being reported that he told the press to stay in the press van because there might be an early departure. So a total stunt from beginning to end. No surprise to anyone with more than one brain cell, he’s an evil piece of shit masquerading as a “Christian.”

    Thanks very much. I recall reading about that Ann Landers poll. I’m sure some of that response was due to people being more likely to respond when they’re unhappy than when they’re happy, but I still think it’s significant. If people weren’t pressured to have kids there would be fewer people regretting the decision to

    What on earth ever convinced him he was superior to anyone? Gag.

    Right?! Ugh. It’s like they are questioning their own decision so they want someone to back them up that it was a good idea to pop out five kids. Uh, no thanks.

    Don’t let people bully you. It’s totally okay to not want kids, even though everyone tries to make you feel like some sort of mutant. My problem was I was about 80% sure I didn’t want kids, but not a 100%. Hubs was about 50/50, but was letting pressure from other people get to him (which I understand). So we tried,

    I love most animals (including dogs AND cats) way more than I love most people. And there are only a small handful of people I love as much as I love animals.

    Related to your comment about watching birth on tv: I really wish there could be more tv couples who are happily married without kids. Especially those ensemble dramas. Every married couple of child-bearing age either has kids, is in the midst of pregnancy, or in rare cases trying to adopt or struggling with

    Yeah, I’m completely okay with not having kids, but it grinds my teeth when people say things like “You don’t know the meaning of love until you’ve had a child.” How insulting and presumptuous.

    Thanks. We looked into it too and just realized it wasn’t for us. I was always on the fence about having kids in the first place. That didn’t make it any less awful to miscarry multiple times. But once we started talking about adoption I realized I just wasn’t in the “have a child by any means necessary” camp.

    “It’s nobody’s business why someone does or doesn’t have kids.”

    Went through three miscarriages as well, but gave up without success. Thankfully now I’m past the age anyone asks such invasive questions but damn that sucked for years.

    Wha??? She just turned 36. I can easily list 2 dozen women I know personally who didn’t start having children until 37-40, most without any medical assistance. A friend of mine is about to have her first/second kids (twins) at 44. She had medical help, of course, but surely Prince Harry and Meghan could afford the

    I live for my Soda Stream at home, so Club Soda is also my go-to when flying. And I usually get a full can even when everyone else is just getting a cup.

    You must take different flights than I do. Once that dude in front of me reclines his seat, that phone would be about two inches from me and lower than my chin. And that dude always reclines his seat, for the whole fucking flight...waits until the flight attendant comes by to remind him to put it up for landing, too.

    Oh jesus god he’s delicious. I kinda hate when he doesn’t get to speak with his normal accent in a movie because it’s so fucking sexy. Not that I won’t watch it anyway.

    Did you see that pepto bismol pink monstrosity she wore while giving the speech about bullying? Good lord. She looked like she was going to a costume party dressed as the world’s unhappiest Peep.