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    If I ate it every day, I’d lose weight from the vomiting. I’d also lose my will to live.

    Seriously, how they managed to convince millions that cheap chemical-laden lunchmeat and plastic cheese slapped on gross bread is somehow health food is a crime in itself.

    I don’t know this show so I have no idea the context, but she’s amazing. I absolutely adore her.

    I adore her and David both so much. I really wish we were friends.

    I’ve met David a couple of times at signing and he always thinks he knows me. He’s not putting on an act either. I can tell by the look on his face that he thinks he knows me well and is trying to remember my name. I wish.

    It’s true. She is beyond gorgeous and I love the short hair.

    Well, there have been plenty of stories about exactly that scenario happening. Someone tweets out “Got the job at [place], which I’m going to totally hate, but at least I get free [food, stuff, whatever] for working there.” Then an hour later a manager responds “No, you don’t have the job anymore.” Maybe the manager’s

    And that she’d announce that sneaking out to poop is the best part of her job. Seems like something her supervisors might not love to read.

    The one positive thing about the layoffs that kept happening at my old job was that there were areas of the building that were totally empty the last few years I worked there. When I had to drop kids off at the pool, I just went to one of the bathrooms over in the other side of the building. All to myself any time of

    At least it didn’t have to land in the Rockies. Also, Idaho is not in the middle and is not particularly flat. :)

    Oh, those feet would be getting soooooo “accidentally” smashed with my elbows inside of a minute. Gross.

    Okay, well then now I understand. Yes, that’s super disrespectful.

    First of all, the face thing seems like it would make it so much easier to get someone to unlock their phone under duress. Or just grab it from you and hold it to your face.

    Oh, yeah, I’m in another field altogether but I remember once or twice someone questioning why they made less than someone else doing the exact same job. It never ended well.

    I can see that for sure. But then she still flipped out when they talked on the phone. I was starting to wonder why Daniel takes her calls any more.

    If that’s the case, then I much better understand her anger. I only watched it once. I just thought he was like “I’m coming” and she took it out of her mouth but stayed in the line of fire without grabbing a towel or something.

    I thought I missed something.

    I get that it would not be someone’s thing (not my thing either), and that you might say afterward “didn’t enjoy that, let’s not do that again.” But I don’t really get the disrespect part. She was giving him head, he said he was going to come. At that point you either decide to swallow, grab a towel, tell him “hold

    I was just honestly surprised about it. I turned to my husband and was like “is that a thing that people giving head get super upset about that?” I mean, it’s messy, and I wouldn’t want it in my eye but otherwise...uh, sex is messy. And even if you were surprised and a bit grossed out by it, why would you get THAT

    I agree with an alarming number of yours.