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    I have no particular beef with these women other than they seem pretty blinded by the huge amount of privilege they were born into. But I am sick to fucking death of hearing people bemoan the lack of civility in politics in that Trumpian “both sides did bad things” bullshit way. Civility in politics went out the

    I hope mine doesn’t do the opposite and go completely dead when I hit menopause because of the way my body is behaving now. I’m slightly expecting it because that’s what just happened to my sister. But we’ll see. Yes, definitely keep my favorite plug-in vibe next to my desk (don’t worry, I work alone) so I can take

    Amazing/terrifying is right. It does make me wonder if I have some condition that is upping my testosterone more than it should be. Hmm.

    I’ve been asking similarly aged friends about this and it seems like about half are revving up and the other half are like UGH, NO. I can’t honestly say that any one I’ve asked has said they’re at a happy medium.

    It’s a little intense. I guess if I didn’t have to work and could have my man around all the time to take care of things I could ride the wave a bit more. But we both have to work and otherwise live life so it’s annoying at times. Still, I fully expect it to swing the opposite way at any point so I try to enjoy it

    I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. I’m having way the opposite issue. I’m staring down the barrel of menopause and it’s like my body has gone into total overdrive. I think about sex more than I did when I was a teenager, and don’t seem to be able to stay satisfied. It’s incredibly distracting. But I guess it’s better

    Oh, it’s definitely weird. In the end, had we actually gotten married, I probably would have worn traditional dress. But I admit it felt a little awkward. Never ended up needing to worry about it.

    Even if it comes from a place of deep respect, it can still feel awkward. I dated an Indian man for awhile and we talked briefly about getting married. He really wanted me to wear traditional Indian clothing. While the idea of an Indian wedding thrilled me because I absolutely love the color and music and joy of it, I

    Ah yes, I remember when Jesus said to help those in need only after all other options have been exhausted and you’ve gotten a message from God to do so.

    When you’re a multi-millionaire pastor with a house that could shelter hundreds of people comfortably, yeah, you don’t get to wait until every other resource is maxed out. Fuck you.

    I keep saying this. HOW? Or, you know, maybe you can be won over by platitudes and slick talk for awhile. But once you saw the mansion he lives in, wouldn’t that bother you *just a little bit* that a man who claims to be such a bastion of Christianity is clearly keeping every last penny for himself? I’m not saying

    Forget the safety aspect, it’s fucking gross. Keep your nasty feet on the ground or the floor.

    I know right? And do we really need to be doubling-down on the amount of useless packaging we throw out every day? Good grief, between these services and Keurigs and all the kid-size individually packaged crap available, I just have to SMH. Oh, the planet is on the brink of disaster? Oh, we have a government that is

    Get yourself a Soda Stream and save way more money than removing the tax saves you on La Croix. Not to mention all those cans that need to be recycled. I adore mine.

    Their lawyer was getting paid either way, and I’m sure drew up a big ole ironclad contract for his services.

    Thanks. It was a long time ago. But yeah, I was already starting to suspect I needed her out of my life, that just sealed the deal. Haven’t seen her in 10 years at least.

    OMG. I have a story like that too. I had a friend who went totally batshit when she got married. First she actually wanted me to fully design several different invitations to show her mom BEFORE she would agree to allow me to design them. Like WTF? Are you serious?

    My siblings all got married before me. But I would have done theirs because I know they’d be appreciative.

    Exactly. You’re not only paying for the professional’s time (which for a photographer includes a lot of post-wedding hours editing photos), you’re paying for their training, experience, talent and expertise.

    Oh yeah. I used to think I wanted restaurant identity work but I learned my lesson. Same goes for theater work.