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    I had a client like this. I was friends with the guy who ran this theater company (another type of work I generally avoid like the plague these days). He was fine but the board acted like I should be thanking them for the opportunity to work on their graphics and should have no complaints about 29 rounds of changes

    Yes, the ones that I’ve done have been extremely well-received because I picked the recipients wisely. And I’m a kick-ass designer. ;)

    Well, then they may have deserved it at least in part. If I agree to do someone’s wedding invitation (I’ve done at most six in a 20 year design career), their invitation is going to be totally kick-ass. I don’t mess around with someone’s wedding.

    Oh, yeah, the people who ask for design “favors” are almost always the most annoying and demanding clients. I always just claim I’m way too swamped to take on their project. It stops the conversation pretty quickly. Because, naturally, the folks looking to get stuff for free have also sat on the project for two months

    I do occasionally do it AS MY GIFT for people I know very well and love very much. But it’s a very small, select group of people that I know for sure will not make me want to stab them. That’s worked out so far.

    The bridal shower was THE WORST. I hated every minute of mine (insisted on by mother-in-law). At least a baby shower has cute little clothes and toys. But sitting there watching a grown woman unwrap kitchen towel sets and wine glasses is one of those times when I mentally list thousands of things I’d rather be doing,

    Amen to that. Even with a registry, we got some real WTF gifts from people (that of course couldn’t be returned). I hate to think of how much useless stuff we would have been donating to goodwill if we hadn’t done a registry.

    And this is why, as a graphic designer, I absolutely refuse to design anything wedding related. Getting married seems to bring out the absolute worst in people.

    Quit playing the race card, damn librul. What do you want, he says he’s sorry it happened. Apparently a poltergeist took over his Facebook account and shared all those racist memes. And also put lots of unnecessary periods in the middle of his sentences. None of it is his doing.

    Oh good. Because we’ve handled all the other problems that currently face Americans so I was wondering when they’d finally get to this.

    Oh, yeah, my mom was super fond of Jello + Coolwhip + canned fruit concoctions. That was hella fancy to her. I recently had Coolwhip again for the first time in probably 25+ years and it’s ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. A friend brought over dessert and slathered it with Coolwhip while I tried to hide my horror. He doesn’t

    Of what is shown in the article, it’s the only thing I like.

    I’d only wear the grey shorts if I had a strong desire to pull what I’m wearing out of my crotch 500 times in a day. As of yet I have not had that desire.

    Oh yeah, every once in a awhile he says something mildly critical of the GOP, and then votes along party lines anyway. I guess in the party of lock-step, that’s all it takes to be considered a maverick.

    I’m just saying you might think you’ve avoided the tent people (or the smokers, etc.) only to have them plop down next to you 15 minutes later. But otherwise, yes, I agree with you and I do the same thing. I don’t go to the beach often, but when I do I try to hit it at off hours.

    Well, in theory. Though who hasn’t gotten all perfectly set up in the perfect spot on the beach, only to have a group plop down next to them and start chain-smoking or playing really annoying music on a crappy boombox or constantly scream at their obnoxious kids?

    I was watching an incredible documentary on our disappearing coral reefs last night and feeling so sad that our planet is declining at such an alarming rate that kids born in the next ten years probably won’t even know what a coral reef looks like. Then I see this waste of skin and find myself hoping the planet can

    God I hope his neighbors are successful. Or he kills himself (without injuring anyone else) doing one of his idiotic stunts. If ever someone needed to be removed from the gene pool.

    That really was horrifying. If I had a teenage girl who even thought about engaging in this fuckery she would be locked up until she’s 21.

    IKR? I just want to see good shows. Arguments about “the market” for a particular show are fucking idiotic.