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    I’m white, married and two generations ahead of millennial, and I completely love this show. A good show is a good show. And if it is good, you’ll find things you relate to as well as things that surprise and enlighten you. I definitely relate to feeling awkward and lost and not really sure where my career or a

    If it helps, I was raised Catholic and I judge the hell out of Catholicism too. I’m just not on board with religion institutions that treat one gender differently than the other. But just because I have my opinion doesn’t mean I don’t support folks’ right to practice whatever religion they please. I’ll never support

    No you’re absolutely right. I wouldn’t do it either. I’m usually very respective of local culture. This stuff just pisses me off. And it’s why, even though I would go to almost any country in the world, there are a few I just have written off.

    I will admit, religion is not my cup of tea, but if folks want to practice whatever faith desire I fully support their right to do it. However, just because I support everyone’s right to practice whatever religion they like, I still think it’s kind of fucked up that the rules of the most fundamental religions (or the

    This is my biggest problem with veils/burqas/hijab, etc. If it truly is a woman’s choice to dress head to toe in black in 100 degree weather, whatever. But the number of families I see where the dad is in a tank top, shorts and flip flips, the kids are dressed similarly, and mom is buried under 10 yards of heavy black

    IKR? I wear jeans and t-shirts even in the summer but I would purposefully rock the fuck out of a short skirt and tank top if I went there. Fuck that bullshit.

    We lived near the border of another state that, at one time, had a lower drinking age than our state. My brother’s class was absolutely decimated by drunk-driving deaths from kids driving over the border to drink. By the time I was in high school the drinking age had changed and my class was definitely much more

    Ugh, this is so sad. And the shitstain occupying the White House still walks the earth. If ever you wanted proof that there is no god or that he’s a total asshole...

    See, I can only stomach the strawberry (of the flavors I’ve tried). I generally don’t mess around with any chocolate or coffee or other flavors like that unless I’m going all in on ice cream (or maybe gelato). If I am faced with choosing frozen yogurt or anything non-full fat ice cream goodness, I think that chocolate

    That gets my vote.

    But nobody pays gym membership fees and HOA fees to have a group of people say they are your friends (country club fees are a whole other story). I don’t expect anyone at my gym to be any more than conscientious about wiping off equipment or anyone in my HOA to be more than a considerate neighbor. If I make friends in

    The funny part to me is that they’re all about exclusion, but you have to pay to be in it. So other paying to have someone call you their sister or brother while making yourself as indistinguishable from one another as possible, what’s the prize?

    I can already guess how this is going to play out. Junior said today that Daddy didn’t know anything about the meeting. So he’s going to take the fall and keep Daddy out of it. Junior will get a stupidly light sentence, which Daddy will immediately pardon. And then the GOP will wash their hands of the whole thing

    Yeah, I just saw that Jr. is already claiming that daddy had no knowledge of the meeting. So he’s probably already agreed to take the fall and then daddy will pardon him. That’ll be the end of it. Treason committed, an election stolen, a nation taken over by a family of grifters, and not a single thing will come of

    “ps- i really hate that kinja has updated that i cant see what comments people are starring/replying to. having to click through to the post is kind of the worst”

    Exactly. Depressing AF.

    We’ve all thought it. Not that I want to see someone shot. But it would be amazing to see how Fox News spins it into the victim’s fault. The victim could be a blond, white, pregnant pastor’s wife in New York to volunteer at a soup kitchen and they’d find a way to say she deserved it.

    I couldn’t agree more. And one thing that sane Americans need to understand is that this shit is rigged. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, voting machines that suddenly malfunction, Russian interference...these are all going to give the GOP a huge edge every time. So instead of giving up and sitting out because of

    Sadly, I agree. I hope we’re both wrong but I’m sure not holding my breath. If George Bush can commit war crimes and just 9 years later be seen as a lovable goof (even by the left), there really is no bar too low.

    God that’s depressing that Hatch is the best of the bunch. But don’t underestimate the ability of the GOP and Fox News to turn such an event into a much more than a warm chair. If Trump, Pence and Ryan all happen to be indicted or resign, the wailing and calls for allowing the “hero” who takes over the job to be