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    I understand what you’re saying. But when Watergate was happening there were still a few politicians in the GOP who had a shred of decency and actually did put their country first. Now, I don’t know. All the Republicans who were NEVER going to support Trump leading their party sure fell in line pretty quickly.

    Well, true, but they haven’t ground to a halt in order to spend that time investigating treason and an illegitimate election. They’ve spent that time being incompetent and stalling to cover their own asses or to see just how much they can suck the government dry before it all goes away.

    Want to really depress yourself? Take a peek at the line of succession. There isn’t a single person on it who has anything good to offer. After Ryan, the only positive you could say about any of them is that they’re not Trump, Pence or Ryan.

    OMG, you’re probably right. The next logical step for fanatics that in the past would have drunk cyanide laced koolaid.

    Yes, of course, can’t condone that. But it would be an interesting conundrum for the GOP.

    I’ll believe it when it see it. This administration and everyone associated with it have committed so many questionable or even treasonous acts that have been waved off, ignored, explained away, turned into positives (WTF?) it’s truly breathtaking. If there were even a suggestion that democratic president had done

    Really, why not? His dad has already said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose supporters and he’s right. The ability of the GOP and right wing voters to have the most shockingly selective outrage is truly breathtaking. I’m almost curious to have 45 test out his theory for real just to see if there is

    No, that trainer wasn’t full of it. It worked for you, and that’s great, but your story actually proves what he’s saying. He was saying that most people call him for training at the six month mark. He didn’t say that all rescue dogs need to be rehomed after six months. My rescue dog was a dream come true. But my

    Thank you.

    That’s actually the point. If more people were realistic about the possible challenges of adopting dogs, potentially fewer dogs would be returned to the shelter or, even worse, abandoned. It’s not always perfect, and issues don’t always show up right away. But if you’re prepared for the possibility, it seems more

    But honestly, your coworker probably shouldn’t adopt a dog. She doesn’t sound like she’d be a good pet owner.

    I’m so grateful that I adopted my pup from a rescue organization that fosters them in homes and wants adopters to be realistic about the challenges of pet adoption. I remember at the time thinking that I would have to jump through fewer hoops to adopt a human infant than to adopt my dog, but I realized it was because

    I totally agree. She’s a pain in the ass but sounds like she did everything she could for the dog. I’m glad he’s got a new home.

    Plenty of people who work in rescue and training will say the same thing though. The joy of adopting pets is immeasurable (my rescue pup was the best thing to ever happen to me), but any rescue group will tell you they want people to be realistic about pet ownership because they want what’s best for the dog. I was

    That’s great for you, but that doesn’t make it always the case. I know people who work in rescue who say the same thing. The six month mark is often where you’ll see some issues surface if they’re going to surface. When I adopted my rescue, more than one of them told me that he might not remain as calm and chill as he

    Oh good grief. I can’t even start with this. If you don’t see it, then I’m not going to try to explain. Enjoy your next NRA meeting.

    Yes, but sadly are able to procreate. It really kills me to see shit like this when so many amazing people I know struggle with infertility.

    My mom wasn’t even halfway done at five kids. And I’m the youngest. Starting in middle school, she kept asking “do you still live here?”

    Okay, as soon I start seeing “_________ always do _________” in a person’s comments I know there’s just no point in continuing. Clearly you didn’t read my comment either if you think that me saying there are ways to have these conversations without shitting on other people is “making it all about me.” You don’t know

    Wow. That’s your takeaway. Well you sure schooled me. Like I said elsewhere, I’ve been married longer than most of you commenters have been adults, so we’ll survive this new version of people telling us we’re doing it wrong. But if you truly want the conversation to move forward, maybe give the condescending hashtags