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    No, the larger point needs to get made without insulting others who are also underrepresented.

    Maybe that was the goal, but the way the interracial relationships were described was hurtful and degrading to those of us who already face false assumptions about our relationships. It’s a completely understandable and fair point to lament any lack of representation in media, but dragging down other underrepresented

    I’m really scratching my head over this. I’ve faced more raised eyebrows over my marriage in the last few years than I have at any point before. It’s just bizarre. And then finally there are a few representations of relationships similar to my experience and those are being vilified.

    No one is arguing, or at least I’m not arguing, that WOC are being adequately represented in the media in any capacity. This is for sure a huge issue.

    I’m so weirded out by the number of people saying “too soon.” Uh, what? Since when has anyone had the ability to decide when to fall in love? Good for him that he found that kind of love twice in one lifetime.

    Because it’s incredibly condescending to tell someone their feelings are keeping them from having basic reading comprehension skills. That’s pretty much why I said it.

    Or the other tag-teaming commenter who claims that one’s feelings on the subject preclude you from having basic reading comprehension skills. Kinda like when a man assumes a woman who disagrees with him is PMS-ing. Fuck. That.

    Oh, I comprehended it just fine. And the comment is not only incredibly condescending, it implies a certain weakness of intellect if reading comprehension can be so easily overcome by feelings. It’s like being asked if you’re PMS-ing because you’re angry.

    If that’s true (and I’m not saying it is) then it seems that Aziz took the criticism and made sure to include several women of color as possible or actual romantic partners in season 2. And yet he still gets raked over the coals and his show relegated to a masturbatory fantasy? Yeah, that’ll advance the conversation.

    And implying they’re too stupid to have proper reading comprehension is the best solution? Although, in this case I’m having trouble understanding what “everyone who disagrees with them outside of the their name” means, so I guess I’m stupid too.

    Stop telling people they lack reading comprehension skills because they disagree with you. That leap in judgment reflects more on you really.

    Vegan mommies with free-range children and sanctimonious seem to have a big overlap on the venn diagram of personal traits.

    Yeah, I’ve seen reviews on Yelp where the restaurant owner only responds to the negative reviews and just rips them to shreds in long, defensive rants. They’re not doing themselves any favors.

    But neither Kumail’s character nor Aziz’s character ever portrayed or acted as if whiteness as an “ultimate prize,” so why hold up these works as examples? Why call them masturbatory fantasies? The first girl Aziz falls for in the second season is a black woman who is lovely and smart and funny and in no way a

    If you’re talking in terms of “prizes” and not relationships between two people, there would be plenty of dudes who consider Asian women bigger prizes.

    Apparently. And it’s odd because when my relationship because many years ago the person of color in the relationship was the enemy.

    Thank you! We just happen to love each other and want to be together. No savior complex, no fetish, no rebellion against conservative families. I guess that’s too boring.

    I did too! I was hoping for that, actually.

    Love Austin! We got a tiny bit of ‘tude when driving outside Austin in Hill Country. But I think that was more because I looked like an arty liberal and stared and her blankly when she brought up Jesus.

    No one in either of our families had a problem with our relationship. The looks use to come from random bigots if we strayed too far away from our very blue state because one of us is brown. Now, I am noticing that the issue seems to be that one of us is white. Whatevs, I guess. We’ve been married longer than some of