Looks like their last minute antics got them just enough so he didn’t break the 50% mark. What will they do to rig the runoff?
Looks like their last minute antics got them just enough so he didn’t break the 50% mark. What will they do to rig the runoff?
I don’t even know what a DM is. Or what makes it lit.
Totally disagree on your assessment of how well they work. I’ve got 5 pairs now, enough for an entire period and I love them. I don’t use them alone because I bleed too much, but in conjunction with a cup they have changed my life.
I’m not an evangelical, I just have never been able to wear tampons my whole life. So the cup was a lifesaver for me because I was otherwise relegated to pads.
I rinse them with some vinegar and cold water before throwing them in the wash with other darks (I only have black pairs, can’t figure out why anyone would want to look at that mess in a lighter pair). But I’ve also thrown them in without rinsing and have had no problem.
I wear mine all day but then I use a cup as well because I bleed like a horror film. The only time I use them alone is the last day and maybe the first day if that’s a more spotty day. By day two I have to have multiple battlegrounds to keep from destroying my clothes.
I’ve had the distinct displeasure of working for/with three sociopaths in my life and it is truly remarkable to witness. They can be so charming and so manipulative. To see people who are super smart and savvy fall under their spell is downright chilling, because it makes you realize how easily someone like that can…
Well said, Green Pig. Well said.
I’m still hoping for a very targeted meteor shower or just a garden-variety massive heart attack.
God, he’s totally the guy who replies to a woman’s rejection to his advances by calling her a dyke and claiming he wouldn’t fuck her anyway.
There was security before 9/11, just not as strict.
Other people have touched on this, but as a person who works adjacent to this industry, I can attest it’s incredibly expensive to run a business in an airport. Airports charge a lot in rent and fees, but not just because they are gouging a captive audience. It’s also because it’s incredibly expensive to maintain the…
A bit of hyperbole, sure. But he’s surrounded himself with enough empty-headed sycophants and psychotics with their own agendas that I don’t know who will stop him at this point.
I agree he’s evil, but at least we can potentially reverse a lot of his damage once we boot his ass out of the White House. Trump is going to haul off and push those buttons one day, and we’re never coming back from that.
They wanted to believe your excuse so they didn’t have to do anything about it.
I will make a special trip to hock up a giant loogie on his grave, and then dance my ass off.
The part that really resonated with me was his daughter saying it would have been nice to have everyone’s concern when she was a child. I remember so many times being told my abusive mother was “a saint” and wondering what was wrong with me.
Yeah, they were all about equality and social justice until a woman said or did something they didn’t like. Then they sounded just as bad as any old pussy-grabbing Republican.
I don’t know. I remember plenty of Bernie Bros calling her every name in the book because she endorsed Hillary. I would think having Twitler as president teaches them to be a bit more pragmatic, but I’m not hopeful.
I’m pretty fucking pissed at the people don’t vote at all, too. They’re allowing an alarming minority to decide elections.