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    Well, it looks like my decision (made partially for me by mother nature) not to have children was a good one. It doesn’t stop me from being devastated for all my friends and family who do have them, and being increasingly terrified for our future. Then again, not sure how long a future we have. Twitler has only been

    I agree with every word of this. Every word. I’m bitter to the point of wanting to flip America like a table on Real Housewives, and I didn’t spend the last eight years being treated the way the Obamas have. How they maintained their poise and grace and awe-inspiring dignity in the face of all that is really truly

    Exactly what I was going to write. Marshall Field’s was such a pleasurable shopping experience. I used to work and go to school downtown and I always walked out of the store on State Street feeling like a million bucks. I usually found a treasure on sale and invariably someone who worked at the store sincerely

    Malia is beautiful and thin and crazy tall, and these jeans make her look short and stumpy. If they don’t look good on her, there’s no way they’re going to look good on anyone else.

    I’ve been saying the same thing for months. Thank you. Maybe because I’m in advertising and I always have to think about “hmm, how could someone take this message the WRONG way and I won’t be around to explain what was actually meant?” As soon as I saw people saying “but all lives matter!” I knew the phrasing was

    I don’t think that’s true. I know it’s implied, you know it’s implied. But I knew a LOT of otherwise really open-minded people who had trouble with the phrase at first, and initially were in the “but...but...ALL lives matter” camp. I personally changed a few minds by arguing the point with them and saying “add TOO to

    Honestly, I think it would have been as simple as adding one word at the end. “Black Lives Matter Too.” Because that’s the whole point that the willfully obtuse weren’t getting. They tried to add a silent “More” at the end of BLM in order to fuel their outrage. Take that away and they still would have gotten mad, but

    We have to take our morsels of victory where we find them.

    I was thinking the same thing!

    God I’m so tired of people making this comparison. Especially now that it’s over. The skeptics and the Bernie Bros and the full-time Hillary-haters got their damn way. They managed to convince enough voters that one flawed, imperfect yet qualified human candidate was “just as bad” as a narcissistic man-child bully who

    That would be beautiful, and Stevie Wonder would be there for sure! I love this idea.

    Dear Universe. When I said that Bush/Cheney were the worst Pres/VP combo ever, and when I said the people who voted for them were either incredibly gullible, incredibly selfish, insane or just bigots, I was not issuing any sort of challenge. I just want to make that clear. I did not need to witness the lowering of

    Most people I know tease me for my food snobbery (especially regarding cheese), but for grilled cheese and cheeseburgers, I want American cheese. I was so happy when a local chef opened up a burger joint and insisted that his beautiful grass-fed local burgers have American cheese on top. YAY! Nothing is worse than a

    The finale of Insecure may have been awkward and unsexy to film, but it was definitely sexy to watch. My oh my.

    I always laugh my ass off watching this show.

    I’m white and mid-40s. But a good show is a good show, and this is a fucking great show. This woman is an idiot and I’m sorry you have to live in a shithole podunk town.

    Indeed. Sounds good to me.

    I did not hate watching that. Day-um.

    Yes, yes, yes! I love this show so much. For all the reasons you stated. And the acting is, well, it doesn’t feel like acting.

    I may have to go see this by myself. The hubs will want to see it, but not in the theater. I don’t want to wait.