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    Yeah, sorry about that.

    Vietnamese Americans weren’t embraced, hot Asian chicks were. Creepy racist white dudes love to fetishize Asian women because they think they’ll be obedient and subservient. And Asian women are usually small so their small hands make creepy racist white dude penises look bigger by comparison. When she gets old or if

    Or Chump, which would perfectly describe a Trump supporter.

    I wish I could at least look forward to the schadenfreude when Trump fucks over every one of his followers who isn’t named Trump and already rich. But clearly their capacity for logic is so impaired they won’t even know it’s happening. That, and he’ll fuck everyone else over too.

    He was having dinner at Chili’s when it occurred to him that he pretty much gets to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. That includes getting tickets other people can’t get without selling their house. Doubt he gives a shit about the show itself, just enjoys the fact he can do it.

    I’m so distraught reading all of this, and your post especially. That is until I got to the last sentence. I found it way funnier than I should. Gallows humor I guess.

    Well they’re probably going to be part of Trump’s administration so get used to it. When they need to fill a new position, they’ll just poop out another baby.

    Oh hells yeah. I was 10 when Empire came out and 11 for Raiders. I remember feeling very squirmy when Leia and Han kissed. But then when Marion and Indy got it on in Raiders, oh my god...

    I bet they would have preferred not having to fight in a war over nothing.

    This is what makes me so mad about people, even on the left, saying “get over it” or “there’s only so much damage he can do” or “it’ll be okay, we’ll survive four years”

    If Jesus Christ is real, now would be good time to come back and straighten out the whole “love God, love thy neighbor” thing with all these “Christian” groups. I think they could user a refresher. Or a well timed asteroid would work too.

    “Former graphic designer.” I can see why he’s “former” with that shitshow of an ad.

    Damn, just got home. Otherwise I would have. Sorry.

    Don’t worry, the commenters on all these threads are doing a great job of shitting on everyone’s happiness.

    Me too. And don’t worry, not EVERYONE on this thread is a total asshole. A surprising number, but not everyone.

    Some of the only times in my childhood I ever felt safe and happy were when the Cubs were playing on the radio. I knew that meant my mother was not raging about something, my dad was present and happy, and I could enjoy a beautiful summer day without fear. So excuse the fuck out of me and everyone else who has happy

    Holy shit, no kidding. Good lord that man is hot.

    Thanks. It’s all good. I’m very happy with my child-free life now. I hope you get your baby soon.

    Girl I feel your pain. I remember shortly after I lost what ended up being my last pregnancy, I went to a get-together at a friend’s house. I hadn’t seen him or his wife in awhile. She came to the door and was clearly pregnant, then went on to recount how it was a total oops baby and that she couldn’t believe she’d

    We have to vote vote vote vote vote. Even if we’re not crazy about Hillary, even if we love her but we think she’s got this in the bag. We have to change the balance of power in Congress or it will be more of the same “If the President says the earth is round, we will demand an investigation into such allegations.”