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    I’m so surprised he’s a total douchebag.

    My guess is that he throws around a bunch of money on suit but then doesn’t want to sit still while they measure him and doesn’t want to listen to their suggestions regarding material choice and cut to make him look his best. He thinks he knows best no matter what the subject rather than listening to someone who knows

    I did watch the documentary. She seemed like a moderately odd teenager who had a really horrible event happen to her before she had a chance to mature. I was pretty odd as a teen and into my mid-to-late 20s. Luckily I matured and normalized, but didn’t experience being accused of murdering my roommate and spend years

    That was literally my only reaction to this article. I just want to know who that beautiful man is.

    If I had been convicted of a brutal murder I didn’t commit, spent years in and out of a foreign jail, had my diary, all my sex partners and an unbelievable amount of bullshit spread all over the international media before the age of 25, I think I might be a little odd-seeming after all that.

    I don’t know. I think there would be a fair number of people who would love a chance to stop taking expensive drugs. As long as they were being monitored regularly for any changes, they could always go back not them quickly if needed.

    What’s interesting to me is that the US drug companies developed expensive drugs that suppress it but don’t cure it (so patients have to keep taking said expensive drugs) but the UK researchers are working on an actual possible cure.

    Thanks. I’m sorry for you too. Wanting a baby and not being able to have one sucks no matter what. But, yeah, going through the difficulty of birth and then bonding with your infant only to lose him or her, that’s a special kind of suck.

    I’m there with you. I gave up after three miscarriages and less than half the amount of time trying. I wouldn’t have survived 20 years on that roller coaster.

    I’ve experienced infertility and multiple miscarriages, but I’m still a bit in that camp to be honest (although I wasn’t going to actually post about it until I saw your post).

    Do you have to sign some kind of waiver when you make a billion dollars stating that you’ll never, ever show the tiniest glimmer of good taste or restraint ever again? 

    Between the way she’s holding her hand on her stomach and her stance, it looks like she’s either holding something in her coochal/rectal area or about to shoot something out.

    Trump and the idiots who love him are the school bullies who pick on honors students because they’re too lazy and stupid to succeed on merit themselves. It’s the same people who voted for Bush because they wanted to drink a beer with him. Anti-intellectualism at its “finest.”

    I completely agree.

    I have a few relatives who are total Trump supporters who love this show. The disconnect some of these people have is amazing.

    If I had the resources to live independently, I would certainly opt for a very different life for me and my family. I’m certainly not a traditionalist who believes kids absolutely have to be sitting at a desk 5 days a week in order to learn and grow. I’d be thrilled if I could afford to expose my kids to different

    From the non-whites who are “stealing” the jobs they’re too lazy and entitled to do anyway.

    I agree. A friend of mine posted the other day “I’m not crazy about Hillary but I’m not crazy. Of COURSE I’m going to vote for her. She’s not even the lesser of two evils. That’s like calling a guy with a bunch of parking tickets the lessor of two evils compared to Ted Bundy.”

    Not just men. A friend of mine posted the ad on Facebook yesterday. She apparently has a bunch of Trump-supporting relatives. They went ape-shit on that ad, claiming it was sexist towards men somehow (I can’t even begin to figure out that one well enough to explain the “logic” behind it). When I first saw it, I

    Yeah, I also noticed how off people seemed to be with a logical timeline. They keep naming people who were either way too young, not yet anywhere near A-list, or both, at the time of the rapes. I’m reluctant to speculate who it might be, but I think it’s clear that it’s not most of the names that have surfaced so far.