For me it really is his voice. When other singers cover his songs, I often like them very much. It’s just his voice I can’t handle.
For me it really is his voice. When other singers cover his songs, I often like them very much. It’s just his voice I can’t handle.
Nah, it’s undoubtedly poisonous. I’d hate to do that to wild dogs.
Cancer is a terrible disease, and I don’t wish it on anyone. But there are some people who are so poisonous that, though I don’t wish cancer on them, it somehow doesn’t surprise me that their poisonous nature poisoned them too.
He’s James Harden. He’s a Kardashian cast-off, fyi.
A wall would be more enjoyable.
Not improbable in the least, given the number of people in this world with that last name.
Yes, but you used that as a reason to insult another commenter multiple times. If you automatically assume that someone with the handle Perez24 is a 24-year-old Perez Hilton fan and not someone who is actually named Perez or perhaps a fan of Tony Perez (jersey #24), then your reasoning abilities seem faulty at best.
You do realize that hundreds of thousands of people have the last name Perez, do you not?
When I was that age (also 30-ish years ago), the kids with disabilities were kept completely separate from the other kids. But on the rare occasions when they crossed paths in the halls, the regular kids were relentlessly mean. But plenty of us without disabilities but who had committed the awful crime of being…
I don’t even need the medal. I just want him to show me stuff in return.
There are truly very few things more delicious than just-picked garden tomatoes and basil rough chopped, tossed in good olive oil, seasoned and spooned over freshly grilled slices of bread. I could live on it.
I would be tempted to respond with a snide “well, I’m lucky that I haven’t gained weight every year and can still wear it.” Then look her up and down. Even if she hasn’t gained weight. :)
Wow, it’s remarkable the fantasy victim world you live in. So fully fleshed out and so certain of everyone else’s intentions.
If your disproportionately angry reactions to everyone and baseless insults are any indication of how you behave in real life, I suspect that has way more to do with why you’re poor than anything else. A victim mentality doesn’t help either.
Hahahahahaha...If you think I’m privileged then I pretty much have to stop reading your drivel right there, even if you hadn’t stooped to calling me a dumbass. My parents gave me a typewriter and a total of $1500 dollars for college. Not for fancy bedding, for four years of college. The rest I paid for myself through…
No, they’ll just make more comic book movies.
I’m not discounting her ordeal. I can only imagine the horror she experienced.
Oh, come on. First of all, all that shit cost way more than a grand. And even a grand is way too much money to spend on a dorm room. I’d be impressed if they learned some skills, took some measurements, then made their dorm room livable using the things everyone else has for college. But having mom and dad shell out…
I lived in a shitty dorm for two years. One complete with cinder block walls, no ac, a shared bath for the whole floor, and shitty furniture from the 70s. I’m not annoyed at attempts to make them look better. I’m annoyed at how spoiled one would have to be to consider this level of ridiculousness necessary for a room…
Absolutely tapes recorded off the radio, sometimes with the DJ talking over the music and sometimes with the beginning cut off if you didn’t hit record fast enough.