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    Are you me? The only thing I got from my parents for college was an electric typewriter (not sure where it was from). But yes, the boom box was essential, and my mix tapes were my prize possession.

    I hope that’s true. I only know from stuff I see like this article and my college-age relatives, who all wrinkled their noses at the thought of living in a dorm like I had in college.

    Ikea didn’t exist in the states when I went to college, way back before the turn of the century. But yeah, I had a few things from home, the furniture that came with the room, milk crates, posters and xmas lights.

    Also, it’s just going to start a shitstorm of right wing nutters posting their sick burns on Instagram.

    Good reminder. But these days, this kind of insanity goes on in colleges all over the place. As if it wasn’t bad enough that parents are expected to pay more for college tuition than many people spend on a house, now there’s some kind of competition to see who’s kid can be the most coddled into adulthood. God forbid a

    I had the sheets that were on my bed at home (which were the wrong size), 3000 square feet of band posters, and milk crates.

    Everything about this, especially the photo, makes me stabby.

    I think it annoys me that girls so young can’t be allowed to have the experience of being poor-ish college students for a few fucking years. It just feels so entitled and out of touch. Some of my young relatives have granite counter tops, private bathrooms, kitchenettes and all the amenities of a high end apartment in

    Great interview. I love Cindy/Tova so much. She’s so real to me and, like she says, so much like women I knew growing up. Women that could be cutting and selfish and do stupid things but were also ultimately huge-hearted and brave and hilarious. And Adrienne herself seems amazing and I wish I could be friends with

    The gymnastics I’m asked to perform sometimes to make clients’ “vision” remotely sensical...

    I have zero desire to be a mother but oh I wanna squish that cutie pie baby.

    The tag line really made it weird for me.

    First, OMG is that baby adorable!

    I saw him pull this same routine on Graham Norton and he seemed like he was totally joking to me. Whatevs.

    What does that even mean? I’m not Canadian but I’m pretty sure we speak the same language. That sounded like something that got run back and forth through a translator.

    Do you donate all of your disposable income without ever spending any of it on things someone else might consider unnecessary?

    Thank you. What the fuck people? Have you learned nothing from the misguided “all lives matter” bullshit? Just because someone comments that he killed the dog ALSO doesn’t mean it’s a more important detail, just an important one.

    Kudos to Ryan Locate if he was able to say that with a straight face.

    There’s part of me that wishes this guy would just kill himself doing something stupid and make the world a better place, and another part of me that wishes he’d just get beat up every two weeks or so. The beatings aren’t happening at the pace I’d like to see, so just die already Georgie.

    Wow, that looks like a Hallmark movie. Yikes. Sorry Meg.