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    My last job had one department that didn’t require a college degree to work there. It was one of the few jobs in the area like that outside of retail and fast food. All the people in that department had worked there for at least 10 years when I started working at that company (I worked in a different department), and

    Not necessarily. I’ve worked in a couple of places where certain positions/departments were the only game in town if you didn’t have a college degree, so virtually everyone in that department was there for many, many years. One guy worked there for decades and got forced out just before he would have collected a

    Oh, I’ve experienced/witnessed worse from shitty managers.

    I can only imagine the vigilante justice being discussed on the Bernie boards right now. But yeah, H.A. Goodman seems a likely candidate. Just don’t want to see my cousin in the news being hauled off by Secret Service.

    I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a Bernie fanatic that tries that stunt. I’m just hoping it’s not my cousin, who’s been posting constantly about Hillary’s pending indictment for months.

    Big fat hard pass on that. I’m annoyed enough about having to shave my pits and legs to be considered “normal.”

    He’s the only white guy on my permanent laminated list. I generally go for much darker men. But he does something to me.

    Yeah, that was a weird one. And I hated his hair in it (I know, why was I looking at his hair).

    Something as beautiful as that should be shared with the world, and I’m glad he recognized that.

    Yes! And then you want to stick your tongue in the middle and lick out all the molten chocolate...wait.

    Have you ever seen the polar bear nature special he did? If you want to fall in love even harder, watch that. OMG.

    Although Ewan sure as hell ain’t hurting matters. Day-um.

    Have you seen that kid though? He’s ridiculously adorable. They did something right.

    I’m not sure I’m on board with them making a musical of one of my favorite all time movies, but I would at least hope they would use music reminiscent of the wonderful soundtrack.

    I’m sorry for your struggle and appreciate your unique perspective. It really is true that some things are just not that simple. But, once you saw how severe the situation was with your ex, you made the determination that he cannot be the primary guardian for that child. And his family, it sounds like, remains in

    That’s exactly what I thought. Her family thought it was okay to live independently and be in charge of keeping an infant alive and thriving, but basic cause and effect is beyond her? Not understanding that one. I don’t think she should be burned at the stake, but I do think there should be some consequence to knowing

    I’m confused by this.

    Yeahhhhhh, that’s what stuck out to me as well.

    Oh, sorry. Well Downton Abbey is amazing too in a completely different way.

    Soooooooooo good. And she’s fucking amazing. I always have to remind myself that it is indeed one actress playing a million different roles.