I’ve worked in retail too long. All I can think when I see it is “You fucker, you know how sticky the floors are going to be? You could at least pay him for having to clean up after your ass.”
I’ve worked in retail too long. All I can think when I see it is “You fucker, you know how sticky the floors are going to be? You could at least pay him for having to clean up after your ass.”
I was thinking it looked like construction paper that was starting to wilt with humidity.
I love this show so, so much. To your point about them not being able to go back to Russia, I read an article about one of the real families on which this show is based. The actually discovery happened only recently (it was set in the 80s because no one seemed to care that much when the story recently broke, and there…
This is perfect, and exactly how I feel. I’m with her because I’m happy to have a woman in the oval office (who ISN’T Sarah Palin). I’m with her because Adolph Cheetoh Dust is not an option. The rest of it? Meh. But I sure as hell am not going to vote third party, stay home or “vote to hasten the revolution.”
Trump is the greater evil in so many cases.
I can’t stop laughing at how awesome it is. And how much I identify.
Okay, now that I’ve finally stopped laughing, yes, I’ve probably done that at the gym more than once. And the dude was just as indifferent, or, more likely thinking “the fuck that old lady staring at?”
It only takes a second to fire a gun. Should murderers get lenient sentences because of that fact?
You need to write a book about her. She’s AMAZING!
??? These aren’t friends of mine, just reviews I’ve read. Or was that the joke? I’m confused. I haven’t had lunch yet.
Just seeing that pile of ivory makes me ill. To think of all the beautiful elephants that died to create that pile...I just can’t even.
You’ll get no argument from me.
Then his bad reviews should stand as a favor to others.
People are way too quick to give a one-star review for dumb reasons. I’ve seen them given because the place wasn’t open at a time convenient for the reviewer, or a steakhouse didn’t have enough vegetarian options. Or one that criticized an ethnic restaurant for cooking food exactly how they cook it in that country…
She’s totally my hero. I wouldn’t have chosen primates as my animal field of study personally, but everything else about her is what I wish I would have done with my life.
That’s why I was so glad to see Jane Goodall weigh in and imply the zoo people had in fact misinterpreted his behavior. She’s not just someone on the internet. Actually my guess is that the zoo people didn’t misinterpret his behavior, but were more worried about a lawsuit than the welfare of a critically endangered…
Do you not think Jane Goodall would have a better read on his behavior than most people, even most gorilla experts?
I’m so jealous of you.
That’s exactly how I read her note and I was so happy to read it after being told multiple times that I was a fucking idiot for believing there had to be a better solution, and that I should listen to the gorilla experts. I’d say Jane Goodall is an authority on the subject.
So glad to read this. Won’t bother getting into the reasons why.