I’m going with Jane Goodall on this one.
I’m going with Jane Goodall on this one.
I’m scratching my head about how one could use an entire box of condoms in that same time period.
Except it left me thinking “you need a whole box for the amount of time it takes to prepare for/wind down from a 13-minute show?” Doesn’t really matter how big your dick is if you ejaculate in 30 seconds or less.
I love that he asks for organic peanut butter and organic jelly, follow by an assortment of shitty candy.
So glad to be NOT the kind of girl Nick Jonas would have a huge crush on.
Okay, sure. This is where I usually end up when arguing with hard-core atheists and religious fundamentalists. Not saying you’re either of those but just saying that I’m done arguing semantics. You do you. Call it a lack of belief. I’m not stopping you. I’m just disagreeing.
When they look back at their special occasion photos in ten years, guys are going to be just as embarrassed by this look as guys were about butt cuts, porn staches, and peach-colored ruffled tuxes. People who got married in the 40s, 50s and 60s were so lucky by comparison. Their wedding photos still look amazing.
I think that most atheists are rational and simply do not believe in god. Fair enough. But my point is that there are some atheists that take it to a place that far more closely resembles a belief. Or maybe better to say an ideology. One that rejects all other possibilities. It seemed to me that the subject of the…
I see your point, but for me it’s the absolute certainty and rejection of other possibilities that takes hard-core atheism from simply the lack of belief in god to the belief that THERE IS NO GOD.
Hahaha. I’ll give him 25%. At least hard-core atheists don’t go around bombing abortion clinics and telling gay people they’re going to hell.
No worries, you were not rude at all. I mostly wanted to clarify because, after I wrote my initial post, I thought I shouldn’t have painted all atheists with a wide brush.
I agree and I apologize, I wasn’t trying to disparage all atheists. I have the great fortune to count many atheists in my family and circle of friends (and even greater fortune to know very few religious fundamentalists). I completely agree with your “Hm, I don’t see any proof of that so I’m gonna go with ‘no, there…
I love how conservatives think that universities are indoctrinating students like it’s some kind of Hitler Youth rally in every classroom. It couldn’t possibly be that education opens your mind, or that moving away from what is familiar and being thrown together with other kids from all different backgrounds makes you…
Well, that’s an improvement. But interesting that he traded such a strong belief for another. I’d rather hang with atheists any day over religious fundamentalists, but I feel like Richard Dawkins preaches another kind of fundamentalism.
I am a fantastic cook, can I get in on this?
That is impressive. Wow, yeah, it sounds convincing to me.
Seriously, forget Felicity. This show is totally amazing.
OMG! Love this show soooooo hard.
Question...how did the girlfriend not notice that the tampon was coated with something before she put it in? I didn’t (and won’t) watch the video, but that part has me scratching my head. Every tampon I’ve ever seen is white, and I’d be more than a little skeptical about using one covered in something brown or red.
Who the fuck decides they’d rather have NONE of what they wat instead of some of what they want?