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    I keep watching this and it makes me laugh harder every time.

    True. It would be hard to distinguish the two.

    OMG, can this just be over? I’m so exhausted by this and we haven’t even moved into the actual election part of it. My fellow Bernie supporters have taken away any interest or enthusiasm I once had. I don’t care who the Dem nominee is anymore, I really don’t. It could be a moldy sack of grapefruits and I will still

    1. Get Global Entry. It is by far the best $100 you can spend as a traveler. It comes with TSA Precheck too. So it’s $15 more to have it over regular TSA Precheck. If you leave the country even once in five years, you will totally say it’s worth the money.

    There are usual multiple pre-check lines but they are lazy about telling you where they are. Last time we flew even the pre-check lines were long, until we asked a couple of employees and kept walking down to one of the other security areas. Then we came across one that had the usual small handful of people. We were

    I’ve never been heavily into ballet but I may have to start paying more attention.

    The only name I knew out of those was Misty Copeland (who is amazing).

    Very nice. Thank you. :)

    Eric Underwood. Good lord thank you for introducing me to him.

    Those are two very attractive people. That’s all I have to add to the conversation.

    I used to be jealous of gals with curly hair. But my hair, while still straight, has gotten thicker as I’ve gotten older. And I found a really good hair stylist a few years back. So my hair looks good with almost zero input from me, which is perfect.

    Girl I have been there. A mother who had no trouble popping out a litter of kids. Sisters who all had their first in their late-30s/early-40s with no trouble getting or staying pregnant. Then there’s me. I could get pregnant (after months of trying). I couldn’t stay pregnant. You’re not defective, it’s all just luck

    And now we’re supposed to hate Jon Stewart by association. Good grief.

    Eddie Bauer makes no-wrinkle (mostly) cotton blouses that go up to pretty large sizes. They’re simple, and they’re a bit spendy, but they’re great basics and stand up to multiple washings (and are PERFECT for travel). I buy one or two every time they have a sale. Then I pair them with funkier accessories and

    I refuse to wear non-natural materials any more. NO MORE! They feel gross and they retain odors–not just body odor either, cooking odors, cigarette smoke (and I don’t smoke), anything. It’s so gross. What good is having a wrinkle-free outfit if your outfit smells like everything you passed on the way to wherever you

    I am definitely not one of those lucky plus size gals who has normal looking feet. If I tried to wear those strappy wedges on the right, my feet would look like something that should be hanging in an Italian deli.

    Yeah, there is no way I could even find anywhere near 50 things I like. 12 was stretching it for me. I guess I just have different taste than what they’re offering. But I’m glad it works for you.

    I tried Gwynee Bee and everything I wanted to wear was spoken for. They actually emailed me and asked me to pick more (I had already picked six or eight things). I got to the point that I had put literally everything I didn’t hate in my queue before I finally got something in the mail. I wasn’t too impressed at having

    They aren’t competitive because the oil industry controls the conversation.

    Uh, not really. We can all do our part to not use fossil fuels, but it’s a fact of modern life. I walk, consolidate my driving trips, take public transportation, and drive a hybrid car. But I have to fly for work and can’t do that any other way. It’s not the fault of the average citizen that the oil industry has such