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    The water should have been blood red.

    Enjoy Nature While You Still Can Because Our Family Thinks Their Oil Interests Are More Important Than The Planet seems like a long title for a children’s book, but whatevs.

    Her proportions look really odd. Really weird photoshopping. She seems to have no torso and no neck.

    She should meet Gerry Fleck.

    Yes, that was me. I think that ambivalence made it hard when it came down to the end of the road for making the decision. I can still technically get pregnant but I’m at an age where I would not want to be pregnant nor would I want to be raising a child into my 60s. But when it was still more of a reality, I kept

    The closer it gets to being the end of his term, the sadder I get about President Obama leaving office. For so many reasons. One, because I really fucking love the guy. Two, because I’m so fucking disappointed when I think of how much more he could have accomplished if Congress wasn’t a steaming pile of lazy, racist,

    My sister, who very much wanted her three kids, is so miserable and stressed out all the time, it’s hard for me to understand why she ever wanted this life (and her kids are really good kids). Adding to her stress is an issue that came up in her formerly happy marriage that may not be fixable. If the same thing

    Well, I don’t know what Aubrey Hepburn looks like so maybe they’re spot on.

    You’re not alone. Where we live no one blinks an eye at anyone else (thankfully), but I’m reminded when we travel. It’s like a litmus test to see how racist an area we’re visiting is.

    Uh, what?

    Could not agree with your statement more.

    The idea that all the beautiful elephants once attached to those tusks were brutality murdered fills me with unspeakable rage.

    Totally agree.

    I fucking knew they were going to use this law to harass people who aren’t super girly or super manly. Christ on a fucking cracker, are they going to demand to inspect everyone’s genitals before they can pee? I think I’d just start buying adult diapers and be done with it if I lived in one of these states.

    I’ve done that many times, in regular bathrooms but especially when there are two bathrooms and both are single occupant. I mean who the fuck cares if you’re the only person in there? I’ve seen women line up for ages while the single-occupant “men’s” bathroom sits empty. Fuck that noise.

    Usually the super creepy character in movies ends up being played by a super nice actor. In Doug Hutchison’s case, though, the creepiest character he’s ever played is 100000000000% less revolting than his real-life personality.

    Yep, that got me. I just turned 46 a few days ago. Jesus.

    Just another reason I’m glad I never wasted money on an engagement ring. I can think of at least 21,000 ways I’d rather spend $21,000.

    I get that for sure. I feel like I have the best of both worlds because I have a stand alone home that is treated like a condo. So all outdoor maintenance is done for me. I have to pay to get my dryer or ac fixed, but at least I can actually get that done in a reasonable amount of time (unlike when I rented and would

    I get what you’re saying, but you’re always losing money when you rent. With buying, there’s a chance you will lose money, but there’s also a good chance you’ll make money or at least break even. But renting is a guarantee that you’ll never see that money you pay every month ever again.