
He’s totally right, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Netherland, Canada, New Zealand are complete dystopias, citizens bankrupted by health problems, daily mass shootings, a lunatic in the running for office, obese citizens and distorted propoganda masquerading as news. Oh wait, that’s America!

Mo money, mo problems.

The warning track at the Trop is just different colored turf, not gravel or dirt so it feels the same under the outfielder’s feet, not really warning them. Someone’s going to get badly hurt running into the wall one of these days.

If failing includes getting a $21 million severance package, sign me up for failure!

You sound extremely hip. Can we hang?

I’m Canadian and I’ve never heard anyone I know slagging our healthcare system, it’s awesome. Always get care quickly and it’s free! Better than U.S. where you get sick then bankrupt.

This is a HUGE story coming to the FOREfront just aHEAD of Super Bowl 50. The timing is very interesting.

ELI5: If a player is bought by a club can they choose not to go? What if he doesn’t want to play in China, do they need his permission?

Funny looking pickup truck

They should start a new tradition and give one All-Star spot a year to an AHL player who could actually use the money, would be a good human-interest angle and spice up the weekend.

The Rams are in the NFC, the Chargers are in the AFC. This is indisputable fact.

In 20 years when the oceans have risen and Florida is underwater, where will the runaways relocate to?

Sotto Sotto is in Yorkville, not the Annex! EDIT: I guess it technically is in the Annex side of the street, definitely part of the Yorkville vibe.

He’s had a nice career, but now he’ll always be known as the guy who hammered a zebra from behind.

I don’t watch pre and postgame I find it nauseating, watch a couple games a week though. I’m talking about what the announcers say.

The announcers have been calling them iPads since they started using them, now that they crap out they call them Microsoft Surface. They’re going to love that up in Redmond!

Good point, hire someone who knows the reference points of football like the Browns and Paul DePodesta.

NASCAR is still a thing? Thought they had folded up shop due to lack of interest. Driving really fast in circles seems like it would be bad for the environment anyway.

That was a linesman throwing punches, the refs have orange armbands.

Those are the Drake jerseys. A little dig at Meek Mill in his hometown.