Tyson Hardiman

Many Bothans died to bring us these images.

They're also good for heating baby bottles for those late-night feedings. 1 fast cup of hot water in a mug, plop in bottle.. warms it in no time!

Is this art imitating life, or life imitating art? (i.e. Black Ops2)

40 and still gaming. Mostly just have time to play online once per week with friends though. You get higher priorities as you get older, but that doesn't mean you have to give it up completely. It DOES mean however that you may no longer have the skills to keep up with those damn kids!

I dunno, the concept of gold being "tacky" is relative and subject to cyclical fashion trends.

Awwww, be nice! I couldn't read an analog clock until grade 3. We simply didn't have one in the house (and that was in the late 70's!).

I'm not sure how this is easier. I can see it's umm.. 9, or 10, or maybe 11 minutes after 11. Goddammit, this is why I never bought a Swatch watch!!

Awesome work, love the sliders. I erase you future people of New York!!

Holding my arms up like that doesn't seem like it would be comfortable for very long.

She's the original, "Hooker with a heart of gold".

Why are people so upset about the extra $100? How many new games can you buy for $100. How many games are you planning to buy? How much did you spend on dinner Friday night? Did you really save any money buying the Xbox 360 Arcade version, or did you wind up having to buy memory sticks or a hard drive anyway?

I was going to subscribe, but then I wondered if that would make me the very sort of mindless drone he's mocking. Dammit, he's ruined YouTube for me!!

Glad to hear we at least tried to make an honest planet out of her.

Well, I have to agree on that one. I kinda meant for services that Microsoft hosts themselves.

It's the shower scene from the movie "Carrie". It was the first time "Aunt Flo" came calling. She had no idea and totally freaked.

I don't think it's unreasonable to charge for premium services that require continual maintenance and facilities to run them. If you buy a phone should you get free calling forever?

I'm sorry.. somebody had to do it.

Ok, how about poisoning them then? Maybe botulism from bad sausages?

Very cool. Still, couldn't they have smuggled something more, um.. useful for aiding in their escape? Like, I don't know.. firearm parts or explosives components? You know, a little less Jacques Cousteau and a little more A-Team!

God help us.. they have WAR BICYCLES!!!