Tyson Hardiman

I love EVERYTHING about that video... except for Justin Timberlake and the music.

It's always amusing to watch people debate, "what's wrong with teenagers these days?". How COULD these MONSTERS destroy something for no reason? They must be sick in the head or something.. right? Not like those grown-ups with their responsible demolition derbies, monster trucks and slo-mo cameras!

I always thought he was overly sensitive about that. I mean hello, serial killer/mass murderer on the loose! I don't think Batman cares if you're a communist.

Minifigs, pshaw! I started off with THESE monstrosities!


Now playing

The only thing I understand about quarks...

My 360 is for gaming and my PS3 is for watching Netflix. I guess I didn't really save any money there eh? It just sort of evolved that way. Xbox is awesome for online gaming, but too restrictive in the video codecs it supports. My PS3 on the other hand is great for watching the mp4's I made of my dvd collection,

Amazing!! In Montreal they can't even build an overpass that lasts more than 30 years before collapsing and crushing cars. What the HELL man?

I really don't think this is a deal-breaker. Yes, they are taking the chance of alienating people without always-on broadband internet connections... but at the same time they may (as they often do) force the rest of the tech industry to catch up with them. "Moooooommmm.. I need better internet to play my new game

My deep fryer has one too. It DOES have have a clock/timer thing on it.. so is it technically an electronic device?

Very attractive, but how do you swirl it around and giv'r a sniff?

"Le Grill? What the hell is THAT?!?"

Beautiful. (begins slow clap...)

It's all very cool, but have they "child-proofed" the new Kinect? My kids run around like maniacs and constantly interrupt the menus and video playback unless I turn the damn thing around. I need a, "You must be THIS tall..." lockout feature before I'm completely sold on the grab n' stretch.

I'm not sure "stupid" is the right choice of words. Space had kind of become routine (aside from tragedies and Mars landings).. scientists sitting in labs doing experiments or repairing stuff. That's absolutely fascinating for some people.. but completely unrelatable for most everybody else. The same thing could be

Until we have Space Sharks, I will consider being ditched at sea to be MUCH more terrifying.

That's funny, I thought TEACHERS were supposed to figure out where students are struggling and provide guidance for improvement (i.e. report cards, notes to parents). If this helps bring attention to areas needing improvement faster then I guess that's great, but ... WTF.. teachers now get to use spell-check to GRADE

Thank you for being "that" person! :-)

The Oatmeal said it best I think...

A table.