Tyson Hardiman

Reason #1 (of 10,000 or so) why girly men like me don't wind up in the military! No magazines? I think NOT!!

Integrate remote operated machine guns and I'm sold!

Please tell me he didn't perform a live fire test in the middle of his factory...

Ha! Nice.

It's ok, I know what you mean. You'd think that if somebody is witnessed setting a bomb off in a crowd and engages in a shootout with police we'd be beyond using the "suspect" terminology. Sure we don't want a witchhunt and we want to make sure the correct people go to jail, but COME ON right? Internet commenters

I'm fine with this. I REALLY wanted to like the Metro interface on my PC, but it's silly when most of the apps I use launch in the classic interface anyway. Give me Metro OR classic.. but don't make me constantly switch between them.

This dude didn't care for the e-books either.

Crisis averted!

Wait, if we ALL simultaneously stopped using these super Bitcoin rigs, does that mean regular CPU's would once again be sufficient for Bitcoin mining? I find it both amazing and baffling that a currency has been created which has no ties to the physical world, yet requires so much "physical" effort to extract it.

What about the rat? Is it on dialysis now?

Great mood lighting for drug & prostitution transactions!

Don't forget his cousin, the AOL guy!

Does anybody actually use the Kinect interface for watching shows? I find it infuriating with small children because as they run screaming around the room, the Kinect picks up their movement and messes with the playback. How is this better than a remote control?

I think this whole article was just an excuse to brag about the book he was reading.

Love that reference!!


Holy crap! The slickest robots may be in Japan, but we're the closest to a real working Terminator!

I would program a mode that doesn't turn the light on right away. Rather, it would wait long enough for you to whack it into your palm a few times and point it directly into your eye...

Synthetic tissue you say?

+10,000 for you!!